Clean Approaches for Coaches
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Clean Approaches for Coaches is about creating the conditions for change within a coaching session, quite naturally and without giving advice, making suggestions, or interpreting your clients’ needs. It answers a question many new coaches have: “OK I get that it is the client who does the work and that I have to keep my opinions to myself - but how do I do that?”.
Throughout the book, there are plentiful examples, diagrams and case studies to aid your learning. Written in a clear and engaging style, with quirky illustrations created by the author, this is not just a how-to book. It is also a story book and a reference book. And whether you are a new or experienced coach, and whether you are new to Clean Language or a veteran, this is a must-have book.
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I'm delighted with my copy of Clean Approaches for Coaches. It's both great for the beginner and robust in its dealing of the advanced material. I enjoy the attractive layout, the clear tables and diagrams and the many real examples. It's faithful and respectful of the Clean Language community and the body of knowledge and the book helps advance it by pointing to next steps for the reader. Well done Marian, it's an excellent source of learning and reference for all Clean Language students.
Brian Birch
Wise, simple, clear and concrete. Fun, easy to use and understand. Beautifully and coherently communicated. A new standard in how to usefully impart expert knowledge in what comes across as an effortlessly efficient way. Hugely recommended.
Ben Wolff
This book is worth its weight in gold! Packed full of clear, useful diagrams and case studies, this is a ‘must-read’ for anyone wanting to work with Clean Language. Combining the principles and theory with practical application in an effortless blend, it has enabled me to deepen my existing knowledge of Clean Language and has provided the clarification and additional explanation I was searching for. I will continue to use this wonderful resource regularly both for my client work and in everyday life.
Lisa Sturge