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Creating #DramaFree Conversations

Tuesday 9 December to Friday 12 December, 2pm to 6pm GMT each day

Price: £264.00 (£316.8 inc VAT)

Community price: £140.00 (£168 inc VAT)
If, for any reason you need to pay the community price, please just go ahead and choose it here.

Book your place

All event bookings are subject to our terms of sale.

Venue details


Are you finding it difficult to manage relationships? Always stressed out? Feeling frustrated or defeated? Surrounded by conflict, blame and repeating problems instead of clear thinking, agreement and action? Would you like some new tools and strategies to change the way you’re thinking about and reacting to the drama situations you find yourself in?

Creating #DramaFree Conversations is designed to help you reduce unnecessary conflict in your life, to move from drama to calm collaboration – at work, at home and in your community.

We have spent over 20 years supporting individuals and groups to detect the dramas they’re in or the dramas other people are trying to get them into.

During these two half-days online we will offer tools, including clean questions, to encourage you to get curious about your dramas, unpack the key pieces, separate evidence from inference, come to understand what is actually happening and your part in it. 

From this position of clarity, it’s possible to shift your attention towards what you would like to have happen instead. Just the act of unpacking drama can allow you to think and breathe more freely and become more creative in the options available to you.

You can’t always get what you want but you can take actions you are proud of. You don’t have to be going around the same old dramas day in and day out and wearing out your goodwill and patience.

We will explore the following themes:

  • What is drama? How can you detect it? What are the costs and benefits of drama?
  • When you're in drama, you're like what? What triggers you into drama?
  • Separating your drama into evidence, inference and impact.
  • What would you like to have happen? And what if that's not possible?
  • Clean Change Cycle: Outcome, Action, Feedback
  • Reflecting on your learning - and what happens next?

During the programme you will be able to try out different behaviours and get support and feedback from the group as well as the facilitators. Places are limited to 12.

Everyone who attends will receive a free pdf copy of So you want to be ... #DramaFree - your own journal to record your experiences as you go through this programme.

Who is it for?

  • Managers
  • Teachers
  • Parents
  • Anyone going through external or internal conflict and looking for resolution
  • Coaches looking for new tools to use with their clients

Your trainer(s)


Caitlin Walker PhD


Caitlin is the developer of Systemic Modelling and author of From Contempt to Curiosity. She is equally at home sharing her ideas with large audiences, facilitating change in small groups and doing deep one-to-one therapy.


Online via Zoom


In this course, I got so many insights about big and small dramas in daily life situations. I have learned a lot about my own internal drama and how to handle challenging conversations in a better way. There is much more understanding now about the way people react and what might be going on for them.

Sabine Glatz

Creating #DramaFree Conversations is a brilliant event that really makes you think about the way language and behaviour influences what happens around us, whether it be in home or work life. It gives clear guidance on how to begin to change the dynamics to reduce drama and uses great examples to bring the whole thing to life.

Catherine Horner
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Creating #DramaFree Conversations

Tuesday 9 December to Friday 12 December, 8.30am to 12.30pm GMT each day

Price: £264.00 (£316.8 inc VAT)

Community price: £140.00 (£168 inc VAT)
If, for any reason you need to pay the community price, please just go ahead and choose it here.

Book your place

All event bookings are subject to our terms of sale.

Venue details


Are you finding it difficult to manage relationships? Always stressed out? Feeling frustrated or defeated? Surrounded by conflict, blame and repeating problems instead of clear thinking, agreement and action? Would you like some new tools and strategies to change the way you’re thinking about and reacting to the drama situations you find yourself in?

Creating #DramaFree Conversations is designed to help you reduce unnecessary conflict in your life, to move from drama to calm collaboration – at work, at home and in your community.

We have spent over 20 years supporting individuals and groups to detect the dramas they’re in or the dramas other people are trying to get them into.

During these two half-days online we will offer tools, including clean questions, to encourage you to get curious about your dramas, unpack the key pieces, separate evidence from inference, come to understand what is actually happening and your part in it. 

From this position of clarity, it’s possible to shift your attention towards what you would like to have happen instead. Just the act of unpacking drama can allow you to think and breathe more freely and become more creative in the options available to you.

You can’t always get what you want but you can take actions you are proud of. You don’t have to be going around the same old dramas day in and day out and wearing out your goodwill and patience.

We will explore the following themes:

  • What is drama? How can you detect it? What are the costs and benefits of drama?
  • When you're in drama, you're like what? What triggers you into drama?
  • Separating your drama into evidence, inference and impact.
  • What would you like to have happen? And what if that's not possible?
  • Clean Change Cycle: Outcome, Action, Feedback
  • Reflecting on your learning - and what happens next?

During the programme you will be able to try out different behaviours and get support and feedback from the group as well as the facilitators. Places are limited to 12.

Everyone who attends will receive a free pdf copy of So you want to be ... #DramaFree - your own journal to record your experiences as you go through this programme.

Who is it for?

  • Managers
  • Teachers
  • Parents
  • Anyone going through external or internal conflict and looking for resolution
  • Coaches looking for new tools to use with their clients

Your trainer(s)


Caitlin Walker PhD


Caitlin is the developer of Systemic Modelling and author of From Contempt to Curiosity. She is equally at home sharing her ideas with large audiences, facilitating change in small groups and doing deep one-to-one therapy.


Online via Zoom


In this course, I got so many insights about big and small dramas in daily life situations. I have learned a lot about my own internal drama and how to handle challenging conversations in a better way. There is much more understanding now about the way people react and what might be going on for them.

Sabine Glatz

Creating #DramaFree Conversations is a brilliant event that really makes you think about the way language and behaviour influences what happens around us, whether it be in home or work life. It gives clear guidance on how to begin to change the dynamics to reduce drama and uses great examples to bring the whole thing to life.

Catherine Horner
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Clean Space Fundamentals

Wednesday 5 November 2025, 9am to 1pm GMT

Price: £75.00 (£90 inc VAT)

Community price: £50.00 (£60 inc VAT)
If, for any reason you need to pay the community price, please just go ahead and choose it here.

Book your place

All event bookings are subject to our terms of sale.

Venue details


Take 4 hours to delve into the essentials of a simple yet powerful coaching process. Experience how different spaces can stimulate various types of thinking and creativity, and learn how to make ‘space’ your co-facilitator.

We often talk about ‘looking at a problem from different angles’. We speak of ‘coming at life from a whole new direction’. We insist, ‘Well, that’s how it looks from where I’m standing!’ Yet if questioned on our choice of phrase, we would likely shrug: ‘It’s just a manner of speaking.’

Clinical psychologist and therapist David Grove wondered what might happen if we were to take phrases like these literally - and physically. What if we were to physically move in three-dimensional space to gain an actual new perspective? Might we learn new information about ourselves and the world we create around us?

David experimented over several years with these ideas, discovering how the new disciplines of self-organisation, networks, and emergence revealed previously unobserved patterns in the process of creativity and problem-solving using space. All this work culminated in the process we now know as Clean Space.

In this focused session, you will get a taste of this extraordinary - yet exquisitely simple - form of clean facilitation, designed to encourage creative emergence in individuals.

Who is it for?

  • Coaches, therapists, managers, and anyone who wants to help others to think more creatively
  • Leaders who prefer to empower people rather than telling them what to do
  • Students of Clean Language and other clean approaches
  • People who need to generate new and creative ideas for problem-solving
  • Anyone who enjoys learning new tools and different ways of thinking

What’s involved?

The workshop starts with a brief overview of the Clean Space process and its origins in David Grove’s work. You’ll engage in a 'mini Clean Space' session to whet your appetite before witnessing a longer demonstration. This will be followed by a chance for you to have a go in the role of facilitator and client. The session will provide instruction, tips, and a chance to practice, with some guidance and feedback to help you get started. You’ll leave with a foundational understanding of how to use Clean Space techniques to foster creative thinking and problem-solving, including how to facilitate the process online.

During this workshop, you will:

  • Discover how to use space as your co-facilitator
  • Gain new insights into your own world using the Clean Space system
  • Facilitate creative thinking and make transformative changes
  • Help someone to emerge their inherent creativity with minimal interference
  • Learn to embrace the concept of ‘not-knowing’ - and not needing to know
  • Unlock the potential of your imagination and creativity with this powerful introductory session.

It is our imagination and creativity which will open the doors to progress. In the search for [greater] understanding ... we need tools that have not been part of our standard education and experience, tools that will open up the territory of our mind.

Joyce Wycott, author of “Mindmapping - Your Personal Guide to Exploring Creativity and Problem Solving

The problem is never how to get new innovative thoughts into your mind, but how to get the old ones out. Every mind is a room packed with archaic furniture. Make an empty space in any corner of your mind, and creativity will instantly fill it.

Dee Hock, founder and former CEO of Visa

Additional Information

James and Marian’s book, Insights in Space, is required reading for this course.

Your trainer(s)


Marian Way


Marian loves designing courses, leading them, writing, coaching and group facilitation. She is the author of Clean Approaches for Coaches and co-author of Insights in Space and So you want to be ... #DramaFree.


Online via Zoom

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Clean Coach Certification Programme (ICF ACC)

Tuesdays 4 November 2025 to 24 February 2026, 2pm to 6pm GMT each day

Price: £3210 + VAT (Or pay £1210 + VAT plus 4 instalments of £525 + VAT.) We'd like to talk with you before you book your place, so we and you can make sure this is the right programme for you. Click 'book online' below to book a 30-min chat with Marian Way.

Book online

All event bookings are subject to our terms of sale.

Venue details

The Clean Coach Certification Programme consists of:

15 training sessions - all on Tuesdays, 2pm to 6pm UK time, with Doris Leibold:

November 4, 11, 18, 25
December 2, 9, 16
January 6, 13, 20, 27
February 3, 10, 17, 24

2 small group mentoring sessions - also on Tuesdays 2pm to 6pm UK time, with Marian Way:


March 31 or April 14 2026 (you choose)
May 5 or 19 2026 (you choose)

One-to-one Mentoring, with Marian Way: 3 x 1-hour sessions on days / times to suit you

Performance Evaluation: Any time after your one-to-one mentoring is complete.

For accreditation by the ICF you will also be required to take the ACC Credential Exam. There is an additional fee for this, payable to the ICF.


Are you a coach, aspiring coach or Clean Language facilitator? Or a manager, consultant, HR specialist, health worker or leader who would like to gain skills in coaching with Clean Language? Would you like to gain formal accreditation as a coach with the International Coaching Federation (ICF)?

Join our Clean Coach Certification Programme to gain training in clean coaching which also forms the basis of your application to become an Associate Accredited Coach (ACC).

The ICF is the leading global organisation for coaches and coaching, dedicated to advancing the coaching profession by setting high standards, providing independent certification and building a worldwide network of trained coaching professionals. ICF accreditation is often required by those procuring coaching services - as a guarantee of quality.

The ICF defines coaching as: Partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximise their personal and professional potential.

We recognised this definition as being a good fit with what happens during Clean Language sessions, and together with our colleagues in Sweden - Lena Sobel and Søren Holm, both experienced ICF coaches - we set out to create an accredited course that would allow coaches to make full use of Clean Language and Symbolic Modelling within their coaching practice.

During the course you will:

  • Establish definitions for coaching, Clean Language and Symbolic Modelling and learn how they can combine to produce powerful and often life-changing experiences for your clients.
  • Learn the basic clean questions of David Grove and how they can be used for maximum effect.
  • Practice Caitlin Walker's Clean Set Up model and ascertain different ways this can be used in a coaching context.
  • Find out how to use clean and clean-ish questions to reach and maintain agreements with clients, both at the start of a series of sessions and at the start of each individual session.
  • Discover how to identify problem statements, remedy statements, desired outcomes and resources and how to use clean questions to direct clients' attention more to desired outcomes and resources.
  • Determine which are the best clean questions for moving a client's attention from their conceptual, everyday world, towards a more metaphorical or symbolic expression of that world.
  • Learn how you can help your client to clarify the structure of their thinking by developing the unconscious metaphors they use.
  • Gain a deep understanding of the importance of metaphors in everyday communication and in coaching.
  • Find out how using Clean Language is a natural way to cultivate trust and safety with your client.
  • Participate in coaching practice sessions that will bring you rich personal development - an essential ingredient in becoming a coach.
  • Practice the Clean Feedback model during these sessions and integrate this into your coaching practice too.
  • Improve your listening skills and develop your coaching presence.
  • Discover how to partner with your client to design goals, actions and accountability measures that integrate and expand new learning.
  • Learn how the skills of Clean Language and Symbolic Modelling relate to the ICF Core Competencies.
  • Understand the ICF Code of Ethics and what needs to happen for you to apply it in your own coaching practice.
  • Have access to an online manual and to the Clean Campus - our online community of practice, where you can meet and practise with others on the course and with participants from other clean courses.

The training takes place over 8 days in person or 15 x 4-hour sessions via Zoom. There'll be teaching, discussion, practice activities, demonstrations and time for reflection. Within practice sessions you will receive feedback from experienced clean coaches who have already gained their accreditation with the ICF.  Following the training you will join two online group mentoring sessions and you will also receive 3 hours of 1-2-1 mentoring. 

The Clean Coach Certification Programme is run according to clean principles, which means that although we’ll be going in a definite direction, the way we get there will be partly down to you and your needs, your questions and your interests. From the outset we’ll be discovering what kind of training you would like to have and we’ll be tailoring what we do to meet your needs. We’ll be checking in with you regularly, because we know that your ideas about what you’d like to have happen are likely to change as new information - about yourself, the process and the course itself - becomes available. 

We’ll be respecting and encouraging diverse thinking. We’ll be welcoming your contributions and your questions and we’ll be suggesting you ask them as they occur to you, so that your learning can happen in the moment. We love helping people to learn the skills of Clean Coaching - and to witness the personal development that occurs when these skills are put into practice. We hope you’ll find this programme fun, interesting and challenging, that you’ll enjoy the whole experience and that you’ll learn a lot.

This Clean Coach Certification Programme is accredited as an ICF Level 1 programme. It includes 52 hours training, 10 hours mentoring and your performance evaluation (where you record and transcribe a coaching session and submit this for evaluation). To gain the ACC accreditation you will also need to do 100 hours of client coaching and pass the ICF's Credentialling Exam. Please note that there is an additional fee, payable to the ICF, for the credentialling process.

Our mission / vision for being an ICF accredited coach education provider (docx 14KB)

Our learning philosophy (docx 15KB)

Your trainer(s)


Doris Leibold

Doris has trained in Clean Language, Symbolic and Systemic Modelling. She is passionate about sharing tools and strategies that enable people to stay empowered in difficult of situations and make decisions that are in line with their values.


Marian Way


Marian loves designing courses, leading them, writing, coaching and group facilitation. She is the author of Clean Approaches for Coaches and co-author of Insights in Space and So you want to be ... #DramaFree.


Online via Zoom


I am delighted to say that I have been awarded the PCC credential! I am ‘over the moon’ and can’t thank you enough for the role you have played in supporting my learning and development as a coach. One of the recordings I submitted for my application demonstrated how impactful Clean Language and Symbolic Modelling can be as a means of evoking awareness. It’s worth highlighting that the assessor feedback indicated that all but one PCC marker was observed for this session. I think that is a real credit to you and the wonderful course! Thank you.

Alastair Callaghan, Coach, Facilitator & Trainer

I started the Clean Coach Certification programme after a few years of deciding what would be the best next step for me to combine Clean Language skills with a planned programme of study to help me develop the next stage of my career. I am a nurse, working in healthcare and knew that I wanted a more focused approach to support the change that I wanted in my career. I joined the Clean Coach Certification programme with some trepidation as I expected it to be mainly experienced coaches and I would feel an outsider! That was not the case at all. The design of the programme and the skills of the leaders allowed me to fully engage in the process of exploring and challenging myself. I had attended some Clean Language skills training before, but as a face-to-face programme, and discovered the power of using clean questions in many conversations. This training was online, delivered over a few weeks (which went by too quickly) and I remain amazed at how much I grew in my skills and enthusiasm for coaching using CL. So much so, that I am now describing myself as a coach and changing how I earn a living! The focus of this training is the development of skills via practice and feedback, just what I needed to develop my confidence and areas of development/training need. And…I have made new friends from across the world. I would recommend this training for anyone who wants to put their heart, as well as their head, into their coaching practice. I learnt so much about who I am as a coach and what I bring.

Sue Cradock

I want you to know how much I appreciate all the time and energy you put into the success of your Clean students. As someone who has taken a lot of workshops and trainings over the years, nothing compares to what you have created with Clean Learning and the way you carry on David Grove's legacy.

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  2. Events

Clean Coach Certification Programme (ICF ACC)

Tuesdays 4 November 2025 to 24 February 2026, 9am to 1pm GMT each day

Price: £3210 + VAT (Or pay £1210 + VAT plus 4 instalments of £525 + VAT.) We'd like to talk with you before you book your place, so we and you can make sure this is the right programme for you. Click 'book online' below to book a 30-min chat with Marian Way.

Book online

All event bookings are subject to our terms of sale.

Venue details

The Clean Coach Certification Programme consists of:

15 training sessions - all on Tuesdays, 9am to 1pm UK time, with Jacqueline Surin:

November 4, 11, 18, 25
December 2, 9, 16
January 6, 13, 20, 27
February 3, 10, 17, 24

2 small group mentoring sessions - also on Tuesdays 9am to 1pm UK time, with Marian Way:


March 31 or April 14 2026 (you choose)
May 5 or 19 2026 (you choose)

One-to-one Mentoring, with Marian Way: 3 x 1-hour sessions on days / times to suit you

Performance Evaluation: Any time after your one-to-one mentoring is complete.

For accreditation by the ICF you will also be required to take the ACC Credential Exam. There is an additional fee for this, payable to the ICF.


Are you a coach, aspiring coach or Clean Language facilitator? Or a manager, consultant, HR specialist, health worker or leader who would like to gain skills in coaching with Clean Language? Would you like to gain formal accreditation as a coach with the International Coaching Federation (ICF)?

Join our Clean Coach Certification Programme to gain training in clean coaching which also forms the basis of your application to become an Associate Accredited Coach (ACC).

The ICF is the leading global organisation for coaches and coaching, dedicated to advancing the coaching profession by setting high standards, providing independent certification and building a worldwide network of trained coaching professionals. ICF accreditation is often required by those procuring coaching services - as a guarantee of quality.

The ICF defines coaching as: Partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximise their personal and professional potential.

We recognised this definition as being a good fit with what happens during Clean Language sessions, and together with our colleagues in Sweden - Lena Sobel and Søren Holm, both experienced ICF coaches - we set out to create an accredited course that would allow coaches to make full use of Clean Language and Symbolic Modelling within their coaching practice.

During the course you will:

  • Establish definitions for coaching, Clean Language and Symbolic Modelling and learn how they can combine to produce powerful and often life-changing experiences for your clients.
  • Learn the basic clean questions of David Grove and how they can be used for maximum effect.
  • Practice Caitlin Walker's Clean Set Up model and ascertain different ways this can be used in a coaching context.
  • Find out how to use clean and clean-ish questions to reach and maintain agreements with clients, both at the start of a series of sessions and at the start of each individual session.
  • Discover how to identify problem statements, remedy statements, desired outcomes and resources and how to use clean questions to direct clients' attention more to desired outcomes and resources.
  • Determine which are the best clean questions for moving a client's attention from their conceptual, everyday world, towards a more metaphorical or symbolic expression of that world.
  • Learn how you can help your client to clarify the structure of their thinking by developing the unconscious metaphors they use.
  • Gain a deep understanding of the importance of metaphors in everyday communication and in coaching.
  • Find out how using Clean Language is a natural way to cultivate trust and safety with your client.
  • Participate in coaching practice sessions that will bring you rich personal development - an essential ingredient in becoming a coach.
  • Practice the Clean Feedback model during these sessions and integrate this into your coaching practice too.
  • Improve your listening skills and develop your coaching presence.
  • Discover how to partner with your client to design goals, actions and accountability measures that integrate and expand new learning.
  • Learn how the skills of Clean Language and Symbolic Modelling relate to the ICF Core Competencies.
  • Understand the ICF Code of Ethics and what needs to happen for you to apply it in your own coaching practice.
  • Have access to an online manual and to the Clean Campus - our online community of practice, where you can meet and practise with others on the course and with participants from other clean courses.

The training takes place over 8 days in person or 15 x 4-hour sessions via Zoom. There'll be teaching, discussion, practice activities, demonstrations and time for reflection. Within practice sessions you will receive feedback from experienced clean coaches who have already gained their accreditation with the ICF.  Following the training you will join two online group mentoring sessions and you will also receive 3 hours of 1-2-1 mentoring. 

The Clean Coach Certification Programme is run according to clean principles, which means that although we’ll be going in a definite direction, the way we get there will be partly down to you and your needs, your questions and your interests. From the outset we’ll be discovering what kind of training you would like to have and we’ll be tailoring what we do to meet your needs. We’ll be checking in with you regularly, because we know that your ideas about what you’d like to have happen are likely to change as new information - about yourself, the process and the course itself - becomes available. 

We’ll be respecting and encouraging diverse thinking. We’ll be welcoming your contributions and your questions and we’ll be suggesting you ask them as they occur to you, so that your learning can happen in the moment. We love helping people to learn the skills of Clean Coaching - and to witness the personal development that occurs when these skills are put into practice. We hope you’ll find this programme fun, interesting and challenging, that you’ll enjoy the whole experience and that you’ll learn a lot.

This Clean Coach Certification Programme is accredited as an ICF Level 1 programme. It includes 52 hours training, 10 hours mentoring and your performance evaluation (where you record and transcribe a coaching session and submit this for evaluation). To gain the ACC accreditation you will also need to do 100 hours of client coaching and pass the ICF's Credentialling Exam. Please note that there is an additional fee, payable to the ICF, for the credentialling process.

Our mission / vision for being an ICF accredited coach education provider (docx 14KB)

Our learning philosophy (docx 15KB)

Your trainer(s)


Jacqueline Ann Surin

Jacqueline is the leading Clean Language specialist in Asia. She is a Level 1 Clean Facilitator and a Master Level Systemic Modeller, and has a PCC with the ICF. She coaches and facilitates internationally both in-person and online.


Marian Way


Marian loves designing courses, leading them, writing, coaching and group facilitation. She is the author of Clean Approaches for Coaches and co-author of Insights in Space and So you want to be ... #DramaFree.


Online via Zoom


I am delighted to say that I have been awarded the PCC credential! I am ‘over the moon’ and can’t thank you enough for the role you have played in supporting my learning and development as a coach. One of the recordings I submitted for my application demonstrated how impactful Clean Language and Symbolic Modelling can be as a means of evoking awareness. It’s worth highlighting that the assessor feedback indicated that all but one PCC marker was observed for this session. I think that is a real credit to you and the wonderful course! Thank you.

Alastair Callaghan, Coach, Facilitator & Trainer

I started the Clean Coach Certification programme after a few years of deciding what would be the best next step for me to combine Clean Language skills with a planned programme of study to help me develop the next stage of my career. I am a nurse, working in healthcare and knew that I wanted a more focused approach to support the change that I wanted in my career. I joined the Clean Coach Certification programme with some trepidation as I expected it to be mainly experienced coaches and I would feel an outsider! That was not the case at all. The design of the programme and the skills of the leaders allowed me to fully engage in the process of exploring and challenging myself. I had attended some Clean Language skills training before, but as a face-to-face programme, and discovered the power of using clean questions in many conversations. This training was online, delivered over a few weeks (which went by too quickly) and I remain amazed at how much I grew in my skills and enthusiasm for coaching using CL. So much so, that I am now describing myself as a coach and changing how I earn a living! The focus of this training is the development of skills via practice and feedback, just what I needed to develop my confidence and areas of development/training need. And…I have made new friends from across the world. I would recommend this training for anyone who wants to put their heart, as well as their head, into their coaching practice. I learnt so much about who I am as a coach and what I bring.

Sue Cradock

I want you to know how much I appreciate all the time and energy you put into the success of your Clean students. As someone who has taken a lot of workshops and trainings over the years, nothing compares to what you have created with Clean Learning and the way you carry on David Grove's legacy.

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Clean for Teams

Monday 3 to Thursday 6 November 2025, 2pm to 6pm GMT each day

Price: £600.00 (£720 inc VAT)

Community price: £410.00 (£492 inc VAT)
If, for any reason you need to pay the community price, please just go ahead and choose it here.

Book your place

All event bookings are subject to our terms of sale.

Venue details


Clean for Teams is an entry-level workshop / webinar series for those wishing to experience Systemic Modelling - a new way of team coaching where people learn about one another in groups, enabling them to move away from contempt and competition and towards curiosity and collaboration. 

Our facilitators will treat you as though you are a ‘real’ team, encouraging you to notice patterns in yourself and others and to collaborate so that each of you is learning at your best within a diverse group. In this way, you’ll be a recipient of Systemic Modelling (rather than a facilitator) and you will gain a direct experience of the benefits and challenges of being facilitated cleanly.

You may, of course, ask any questions about what the facilitators are doing and you can expect to take away ideas for putting what you’re learning into practice with your own groups or teams.

Systemic Modelling is the brainchild of Caitlin Walker, author of From Contempt to Curiosity. When a few clean questions led her to a greater understanding of herself and a dramatic shift in her life, she decided to adapt the one-to-one therapeutic method developed by David Grove to create a robust methodology that would work for groups and organisations.

Now you can experience the power of these questions – and Caitlin’s group methodology – for yourself in this fabulous, fascinating and fast-moving 2-day workshop or via 4 x 4-hour interactive Zoom sessions.

Clean Language was devised by clinical psychologist David Grove to enable people to explore their own and others’ perceptions. Rather than assume we know what someone means when they use a particular word, gesture or intonation, we can use clean questions to enquire into their experience. In a therapeutic context, David used clean questions to help people to get in touch with their unconscious metaphors and ingrained patterns underpinning their everyday experiences - and to be able to change these at a deep level.

Caitlin recognised that the information that emerges when people are asked clean questions will often be new – not just to the listener, but to the person who’s experience it is. In a group situation, everyone gets to know that information. This in turn can help people to:

  • Be more curious, deeply listen to one another, and work together in a respectful way
  • Learn about one another’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Sort out disagreements or conflicts by increasing their understanding of different perspectives
  • Clarify their thinking
  • Reveal assumptions so that conversations are held at a level everyone can understand
  • Discover hidden values
  • Build shared models of understanding

Your trainer(s)


Caitlin Walker PhD


Caitlin is the developer of Systemic Modelling and author of From Contempt to Curiosity. She is equally at home sharing her ideas with large audiences, facilitating change in small groups and doing deep one-to-one therapy.


Online via Zoom


I have just completed 'Clean for Teams' and have been inspired and astounded by the power of this process. If you are a manager or leader of a group or team you will not fail to gain clarity, understanding and appreciation of this process. I felt inspired and in awe of the trainers in the way they delivered and merged the learning involved so that as participants we all learnt in the way that felt best for us individually whilst developing our understanding of the group process. Highly recommended to anyone who works with teams or aspires to in the future.

Lisa Sturge, Coach

Excellent blend of theory and practice with some useful models and techniques - and a great bunch of delegates to work with. I got lots of really practical advice from Caitlin.

Sally Bean

I just want to dive further after this enjoyable and instructive starter. I will definitely continue onto the Systemic Modelling Rolling Programme.

Ratha Ros
  1. Home
  2. Events

Clean for Teams

Monday 3 to Thursday 6 November 2025, 8.30am to 12.30pm GMT each day

Price: £600.00 (£720 inc VAT)

Community price: £410.00 (£492 inc VAT)
If, for any reason you need to pay the community price, please just go ahead and choose it here.

Book your place

All event bookings are subject to our terms of sale.

Venue details


Clean for Teams is an entry-level workshop / webinar series for those wishing to experience Systemic Modelling - a new way of team coaching where people learn about one another in groups, enabling them to move away from contempt and competition and towards curiosity and collaboration. 

Our facilitators will treat you as though you are a ‘real’ team, encouraging you to notice patterns in yourself and others and to collaborate so that each of you is learning at your best within a diverse group. In this way, you’ll be a recipient of Systemic Modelling (rather than a facilitator) and you will gain a direct experience of the benefits and challenges of being facilitated cleanly.

You may, of course, ask any questions about what the facilitators are doing and you can expect to take away ideas for putting what you’re learning into practice with your own groups or teams.

Systemic Modelling is the brainchild of Caitlin Walker, author of From Contempt to Curiosity. When a few clean questions led her to a greater understanding of herself and a dramatic shift in her life, she decided to adapt the one-to-one therapeutic method developed by David Grove to create a robust methodology that would work for groups and organisations.

Now you can experience the power of these questions – and Caitlin’s group methodology – for yourself in this fabulous, fascinating and fast-moving 2-day workshop or via 4 x 4-hour interactive Zoom sessions.

Clean Language was devised by clinical psychologist David Grove to enable people to explore their own and others’ perceptions. Rather than assume we know what someone means when they use a particular word, gesture or intonation, we can use clean questions to enquire into their experience. In a therapeutic context, David used clean questions to help people to get in touch with their unconscious metaphors and ingrained patterns underpinning their everyday experiences - and to be able to change these at a deep level.

Caitlin recognised that the information that emerges when people are asked clean questions will often be new – not just to the listener, but to the person who’s experience it is. In a group situation, everyone gets to know that information. This in turn can help people to:

  • Be more curious, deeply listen to one another, and work together in a respectful way
  • Learn about one another’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Sort out disagreements or conflicts by increasing their understanding of different perspectives
  • Clarify their thinking
  • Reveal assumptions so that conversations are held at a level everyone can understand
  • Discover hidden values
  • Build shared models of understanding

Your trainer(s)


Caitlin Walker PhD


Caitlin is the developer of Systemic Modelling and author of From Contempt to Curiosity. She is equally at home sharing her ideas with large audiences, facilitating change in small groups and doing deep one-to-one therapy.


Online via Zoom


I have just completed 'Clean for Teams' and have been inspired and astounded by the power of this process. If you are a manager or leader of a group or team you will not fail to gain clarity, understanding and appreciation of this process. I felt inspired and in awe of the trainers in the way they delivered and merged the learning involved so that as participants we all learnt in the way that felt best for us individually whilst developing our understanding of the group process. Highly recommended to anyone who works with teams or aspires to in the future.

Lisa Sturge, Coach

Excellent blend of theory and practice with some useful models and techniques - and a great bunch of delegates to work with. I got lots of really practical advice from Caitlin.

Sally Bean

I just want to dive further after this enjoyable and instructive starter. I will definitely continue onto the Systemic Modelling Rolling Programme.

Ratha Ros
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Systemic Modelling Rolling Programme

Monday 13 to Friday 17 October 2025, 2pm to 6pm BST each day

Price: £600.00 (£720 inc VAT)

Book your place

All event bookings are subject to our terms of sale.

Venue details

Buy eight Rolling Programme modules and save £1600

Buy four Rolling Programme modules and save £400


Once you have experienced Systemic Modelling as a participant (on our Clean For Teams workshop, on or Clean Agile Systems Coaching or equivalent), you can join in with the Systemic Modelling rolling programme. This will give you a complete framework and an abundant toolbox for encouraging teams to move from contempt towards curiosity and collaboration. And we use the process to teach the process so you will be experiencing multi-level and collaborative learning at its best.

Regular in-depth and intensive training will enable you to develop competency in applying the principles that underpin Systemic Modelling. You will learn how to use clean questions and metaphor models to support a group to better understand one another and to develop the skills and capability they need to collaborate meaningfully.

You may join in one module at a time, or commit to attending four or eight modules (with a price reduction). Joining in on a long-term basis will enable you to explore the process more deeply, including the philosophy behind it and the skills required to deliver it well. There’ll be skill-building exercises to stretch your attention and to develop your confidence and in-the-moment coaching to ensure you’re competent in the process. You’ll be delivering group processes live to fellow participants and you’ll be offering and receiving feedback from trainers and peers. Between modules, you’ll be expected to find groups of your own to practice with. This programme is fun, full-on and focused.

The models and skills that make up Systemic Modelling include: clean questions; developing personal metaphors; group modelling; becoming #DramaFree; pattern detection; tracking patterns in the group dynamic; developing your personal modelling state. There’ll also be plenty of opportunity for discussion about applications and how you’ll put your learning into action.

There is a continuous assessment process, with a number of assignments that will require you to collect and act on feedback from the trainer, your fellow participants and any other recipients of your skills. You can start this process whenever you wish and when we are confident in your ability to develop a network of attention within a group you will gain your Systemic Modelling Foundation Certificate. And once you are also able to deliver all the models consistently and effectively you will be awarded your Systemic Modelling Professional Certificate.

Your trainer(s)


Caitlin Walker PhD


Caitlin is the developer of Systemic Modelling and author of From Contempt to Curiosity. She is equally at home sharing her ideas with large audiences, facilitating change in small groups and doing deep one-to-one therapy.


Online via Zoom


This training was pure excellence in every respect. The authority and power of Caitlin's skill base, complemented by the range of experienced mentors in our midst was a superb context for the highest quality teaching. The balance of concept coverage and experiential learning was skilfully gauged, the connections created between delegates and trainers, the insightful guidance and warm challenges offered along the way, all conspired to enable learning, at its very best, for all. 'Clean' by its nature creates this, enabling listening at the highest level to create common vision and harness awareness, but the quality of delivery, the privilege of experiencing all of this through and with Caitlin and her team, in her home, with such honouring hospitality, resulted in a learning experience second to none. This training creates deep, unforgettable change and I, my workplace and my home will be the better for it. Thank you.

Amanda Maney, Alignment Coach

I’m a reasonably experienced business coach with some high profile clients, and with the tools I had at my disposal prior to Clean I was successful and my clients got good results. However, I’ve started using Clean very quickly after the programme and it’s taken my coaching and results onto another level.

Michael O' Flaherty

This course has given me fabulous strategies and the confidence to help teams be more effective. Systemic Modelling enables teams to get to the real issues of why they aren't working as well and to create their own solutions. A must for facilitators, coaches and trainers working with teams.

Denise Chilton, Coach
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Systemic Modelling Rolling Programme

Monday 13 to Friday 17 October 2025, 8.30am to 12.30pm BST each day

Price: £600.00 (£720 inc VAT)

Book your place

All event bookings are subject to our terms of sale.

Venue details

Buy eight Rolling Programme modules and save £1600

Buy four Rolling Programme modules and save £400


Once you have experienced Systemic Modelling as a participant (on our Clean For Teams workshop, on or Clean Agile Systems Coaching or equivalent), you can join in with the Systemic Modelling rolling programme. This will give you a complete framework and an abundant toolbox for encouraging teams to move from contempt towards curiosity and collaboration. And we use the process to teach the process so you will be experiencing multi-level and collaborative learning at its best.

Regular in-depth and intensive training will enable you to develop competency in applying the principles that underpin Systemic Modelling. You will learn how to use clean questions and metaphor models to support a group to better understand one another and to develop the skills and capability they need to collaborate meaningfully.

You may join in one module at a time, or commit to attending four or eight modules (with a price reduction). Joining in on a long-term basis will enable you to explore the process more deeply, including the philosophy behind it and the skills required to deliver it well. There’ll be skill-building exercises to stretch your attention and to develop your confidence and in-the-moment coaching to ensure you’re competent in the process. You’ll be delivering group processes live to fellow participants and you’ll be offering and receiving feedback from trainers and peers. Between modules, you’ll be expected to find groups of your own to practice with. This programme is fun, full-on and focused.

The models and skills that make up Systemic Modelling include: clean questions; developing personal metaphors; group modelling; becoming #DramaFree; pattern detection; tracking patterns in the group dynamic; developing your personal modelling state. There’ll also be plenty of opportunity for discussion about applications and how you’ll put your learning into action.

There is a continuous assessment process, with a number of assignments that will require you to collect and act on feedback from the trainer, your fellow participants and any other recipients of your skills. You can start this process whenever you wish and when we are confident in your ability to develop a network of attention within a group you will gain your Systemic Modelling Foundation Certificate. And once you are also able to deliver all the models consistently and effectively you will be awarded your Systemic Modelling Professional Certificate.

Your trainer(s)


Caitlin Walker PhD


Caitlin is the developer of Systemic Modelling and author of From Contempt to Curiosity. She is equally at home sharing her ideas with large audiences, facilitating change in small groups and doing deep one-to-one therapy.


Online via Zoom


This training was pure excellence in every respect. The authority and power of Caitlin's skill base, complemented by the range of experienced mentors in our midst was a superb context for the highest quality teaching. The balance of concept coverage and experiential learning was skilfully gauged, the connections created between delegates and trainers, the insightful guidance and warm challenges offered along the way, all conspired to enable learning, at its very best, for all. 'Clean' by its nature creates this, enabling listening at the highest level to create common vision and harness awareness, but the quality of delivery, the privilege of experiencing all of this through and with Caitlin and her team, in her home, with such honouring hospitality, resulted in a learning experience second to none. This training creates deep, unforgettable change and I, my workplace and my home will be the better for it. Thank you.

Amanda Maney, Alignment Coach

I’m a reasonably experienced business coach with some high profile clients, and with the tools I had at my disposal prior to Clean I was successful and my clients got good results. However, I’ve started using Clean very quickly after the programme and it’s taken my coaching and results onto another level.

Michael O' Flaherty

This course has given me fabulous strategies and the confidence to help teams be more effective. Systemic Modelling enables teams to get to the real issues of why they aren't working as well and to create their own solutions. A must for facilitators, coaches and trainers working with teams.

Denise Chilton, Coach
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Clean Space

Monday 6 and Tuesday 7 October 2025, 10am to 5.30pm BST each day

Price: £400.00 (£480 inc VAT)

Book your place

All event bookings are subject to our terms of sale.

Venue details

There will be a maximum of six places on this workshop.


Take 2 days (or 3 x 4 hours online) to learn a simple yet powerful coaching process. Discover how different spaces can provoke different kinds of thinking and creativity and how ‘space’ can become your co-facilitator.

We talk about ‘looking at a problem from different angles’. We speak of ‘coming at life from a whole new direction’. We insist, ‘Well, that’s how it looks from where I’m standing!’ Yet if questioned on our choice of phrase, we would likely shrug: ‘It’s just a manner of speaking.’

Clinical psychologist and therapist David Grove wondered what might happen if we were to take phrases like these literally - and physically. What if we were to physically move in three-dimensional space to gain an actual new perspective? Might we learn new information about ourselves and the world we create around us?

David experimented over several years with these ideas, which involved going to sea on a merchant ship for several weeks, learning to fly and facilitating countless sessions with groups and individuals - all to find out more about space and our place in it. Along the way, the new disciplines of self-organisation, networks and emergence revealed previously unobserved patterns in the process of creativity and problem-solving using space.

All this work culminated in the process we now know as Clean Space.

And now you can learn this extraordinary - yet exquisitely simple - form of clean facilitation to encourage the conditions for creative emergence in individuals.

Who is it for?

  • Coaches, therapists, managers and anyone who wants to help others to think more creatively

  • Leaders who prefer to empower people rather than telling them what to do

  • Students of Clean Language and other clean approaches

  • People who need to generate new and creative ideas for problem solving

  • Anyone who enjoys learning new tools and different ways of thinking

What’s involved?

The workshop starts with the basic Clean Space process and how to adapt it to each individual. After a brief overview of David Grove’s work in relation to space, we’ll be straight into learning by doing, by moving. We’ll demonstrate the Clean Space process and show you how to facilitate it yourself. Then you’ll do it… and do it…, getting feedback as you go. We’ll provide coaching in the moment and explore the learnings in the group. You’ll leave with the skills and knowledge you need to start running individual Clean Space sessions with your own clients as well as how to design new Clean Space processes for different contexts.

During this workshop, you will:

  • Discover how to use space as your co-facilitator

  • Gain new insights into your own world using the Clean Space system

  • Facilitate deepening knowledge and make transformative changes

  • Help someone to emerge their inherent creativity with a minimum of interference from you

  • Learn to accept and even welcome the concept of ‘not-knowing’ - and not needing to know

It is our imagination and creativity which will open the doors to progress. In the search for [greater] understanding ... we need tools that have not been part of our standard education and experience, tools that will open up the territory of our mind.

Joyce Wycott, author of “Mindmapping - Your Personal Guide to Exploring Creativity and Problem Solving

The problem is never how to get new innovative thoughts into your mind, but how to get the old ones out. Every mind is a room packed with archaic furniture. Make an empty space in any corner of your mind, and creativity will instantly fill it.

Dee Hock, founder and former CEO of Visa

Additional Information

James and Marian’s book, Insights in Space, is required reading for this course.

Your trainer(s)


Marian Way


Marian loves designing courses, leading them, writing, coaching and group facilitation. She is the author of Clean Approaches for Coaches and co-author of Insights in Space and So you want to be ... #DramaFree.


14 Anson Grove
United Kingdom
PO16 8JG

Join Marian and John at their home in Hampshire UK for a friendly relaxed training in a light airy room with fabulous views, plus delicious home-made lunches.


This workshop taught me how important space - and height - are for getting new perspectives on problems, and how even the simplest of questions can be very effective in bringing about change. I will be using Clean Space in my coaching and HR work and I will be putting more thought into where I hold meetings and where people sit in those meetings.

Gill Rudge, Coach & HR Consultant

I recently have run several Clean Space sessions with very positive client feedback. It's serious, fun, and often awe inspiring in its impact.

Heather, Executive Coach

Clean Space gives valuable perspective – it’s simple and powerful. The workshop reminded me how important space is to me and I’ve discovered more about the impact of space on the quality of my thinking: in a dark, confined space it was easy to focus on a problem and feel overwhelmed, whereas outdoors I could expand my thinking. As a facilitator I learned that the less I have to do, the more of my attention is available to give to my client.I will be bringing spatial perspectives more into my coaching sessions and I am also thinking about how to use ideas around space even more explicitly in my work… Watch this space!

Felicity Dwyer, Coach
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Advanced Fine Tuning

Fridays, 26 September, 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31 October 2025, 2pm to 5.30pm each day

Price: £600.00 (£720 inc VAT)

Book your place

All event bookings are subject to our terms of sale.

Venue details

Buy four Rolling Programme modules and save £400

Buy eight Rolling Programme modules and save £1600

Fridays 2pm to 5.30pm

  • September 26 
  • October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31

Note: all times BST except 31 October which is GMT


To truly excel in any skill, it is essential to practise and receive feedback from an experienced practitioner who can help you refine your abilities. And these 3-day in-person or 6 x half-day online modules offer an opportunity for you to gain valuable practice and receive targeted instruction in Clean Language and Symbolic Modelling from James Lawley and Marian Way. The focus will be on understanding the nuanced aspects that arise during a session so you can improve your facilitation skills.

The majority of our time will be dedicated to individual Symbolic Modelling sessions, with one participant acting as the facilitator while another assumes the client role, and with the rest of the group observing. As the session progresses, the trainer may intervene to offer you coaching in the moment, or you may receive feedback after the session. The trainers also will devise different activities, including bringing in inexperienced clients for you to work with.

Although the format will remain largely consistent, the content of each half-day session will vary depending on what’s happening within the Symbolic Modelling sessions and on the interests of the group; throughout James and Marian will offer tailored instruction based on the group’s needs. Maximum group size is 12 to ensure there is plenty of time for individual attention.

To join a group, you will need to be at or close to Clean Facilitator Level 1. If you’re not sure whether this will be a good fit with your skills, please book a chat with Marian or send her an email.

The criteria for Clean Facilitator level 1 are shown in this document:

Criteria_for_CF_level_1-1.pdf (pdf 168KB)

Your trainer(s)


James Lawley

James Lawley studied with David Grove for 12 years and is the co-developer of Symbolic Modelling, and co-author of Metaphors in Mind. He teaches Symbolic Modelling to therapists, counsellors, coaches, managers and teachers throughout the world.


Marian Way


Marian loves designing courses, leading them, writing, coaching and group facilitation. She is the author of Clean Approaches for Coaches and co-author of Insights in Space and So you want to be ... #DramaFree.


Online via Zoom

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Fine Tuning

Fridays 26 September to 31 October, 9am to 12.30pm BST each day

Price: £600.00 (£720 inc VAT)

Book your place

All event bookings are subject to our terms of sale.

Venue details

Buy four Rolling Programme modules and save £400

Buy eight Rolling Programme modules and save £1600

Buy Core Skills + Fine Tuning and save £200


  • September 26 
  • October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31

Note: all times BST except 31 October which is GMT


Practice, along with feedback from a skilled practitioner who can help you to polish your skills, are key to getting really good at any skill. And these 3-day in-person or 6 x half-day online modules offer an opportunity for you to gain that practice, along with targeted tuition to help you to learn the nuances that arise within individual Clean Language, Symbolic Modelling & Clean Space sessions, and that will make all the difference to your facilitation skills. While the agenda will be emergent and formed in response to what is happening in the group, we’ll typically cover how to work with binds along with other advanced concepts and there will also be an opportunity for formal assessment for those working towards Certified Clean Facilitator Level 1.

This will all take place in a small group (no more than 6 participants per trainer). The majority of the time will be taken up with individual sessions where one participant is the facilitator, with another as client and everyone else observing. At the end of each session everyone will be invited to give feedback to the facilitator, so that everyone learns from what’s happening. Or you can choose to have feedback and coaching during the session. The format will be similar each time while the content of the events will vary according to what happens in the individual sessions.

The trainer will be offering tuition throughout the event, according to the group’s needs. So binds will be taught when a bind arises in someone’s landscape, the PRO Model will be revised when it becomes clear when there’s a need for that within the group, and so on. In this way, no time is wasted; everything you learn will be relevant to you and where you are with your learning right now.

If you wish to become a Certified Clean Facilitator, there will be an opportunity within each module for formal assessment against the Level 1 criteria (see below) – and when you are ready, we will record a session to send to a second assessor. (No extra charge for assessment.) Most people will need to attend three or more “Fine Tuning” modules to reach the required skill level. Formal assessment is optional; if you are already a certified facilitator or if you don’t want to be assessed or certified, you are just as welcome and you will have just as much facilitation and feedback time as everyone else.

Please note that to complete the Certified Clean Facilitator Certification, you will also need to attend a Clean Space workshop at some point and be prepared to demonstrate your Clean Space skills during one of the Fine Tuning modules.

Join us for this rolling programme of 3-day or 6 half-day modules on your way to becoming a top-class Clean Facilitator.

Who is it for?

These modules are for you if you:

  • Have completed Clean Language: Core Skills
  • Have the basics and want to take your practice further
  • Want to get really good at these skills and understand that this will take time, lots of practice and expert feedback from a skilled facilitator
  • Want to understand more of the nuances involved in this work, that may only arise from time to time in individual sessions
  • Want to improve your modelling skills
  • Want to learn how to work with binds and double binds
  • Are interested in becoming a Certified Clean Facilitator (Level 1)
  • Are willing to do what it takes to get really good at these skills
  • Want to bring a client along and get feedback on how you work with someone who has not had training in Clean Language (optional)

What will I gain?

  • Individual practice and feedback from your fellow participants and the trainer
  • Hone your observation, calibration and feedback skills as you observe other participants at work
  • Work towards Certified Clean Facilitator (Level 1) status
  • Highly targeted tuition to meet the needs of those in the group
  • Meet others who are at a similar level to you, so you can form practice partnerships / groups outside of the modules
  • Learn more nuances of Clean Language, Symbolic Modelling and Clean Space
  • Learn advanced techniques and models that are not taught on our Core Skills training (e.g. working with binds, REPROC model, working with line of sight)


To join this programme, you must have attended Clean Language: Core Skills at least once (or equivalent training from another provider). You will also find it helpful to read Clean Approaches for Coaches by Marian Way.

Contact us if you would be interested in an online version of this event.

Criteria_for_CF_level_1.pdf (pdf 168KB)

Your trainer(s)


Marian Way


Marian loves designing courses, leading them, writing, coaching and group facilitation. She is the author of Clean Approaches for Coaches and co-author of Insights in Space and So you want to be ... #DramaFree.


Online via Zoom


During 'Fine Tuning' I grew in confidence as my skills improved rapidly over just three days of practice and learning. I learned where my blind spots were and developed a metaphor for how I could be a better coach. This programme was certainly a worthwhile investment for me, and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to get better at being a clean coach.

Jacqueline Surin, Specialist Trainer & Coach -- Leadership Development, People Potential, Malaysia

I have always found Marian's teaching and feedback focussed and extremely helpful. She is one of the best teachers I know. The teaching on each course was always layered so that we learned and experienced everything in tandem, with plenty of relevant examples from her experience. Being encouraged to have specific learning goals and getting focussed feedback afterwards was very helpful. Supported self-feedback was always encouraged and is a useful skill to learn. The quality of feedback was always excellent as Marian always pays exquisite attention and knows exactly where a landscape unravelled or a more helpful direction could have been chosen. This clarity enhanced my learning journey and has given me a voice in my ear when I find myself in similar situations now.

Alison Flanagan

The three days of Fine Tuning were a real gift for me, enabling a quantum leap in my knowledge and understanding of the clean philosophy as well as my personal understanding and development. The group and the different topics each of us chose opened a new way into my inner thinking and model of the world. You created and held the space to enable my new insights - and by being confident that something good and valuable would emerge you conducted the training in a different way to most trainers, who try to demonstrate that they have the golden key or silver bullet to solve or improve everything. A huge thank you full of gratitude for the three days.

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Northern Taste of Clean 2025

Saturday 20 to Sunday 21 September 2025, 9:30am to 5:30pm BST each day

Price: £300.00 (£360 inc VAT)

Community price: £150.00 (£180 inc VAT)
If, for any reason you need to pay the community price, please just go ahead and choose it here.

Book your place

All event bookings are subject to our terms of sale.

Venue details


A spicy mix of Clean-oriented research, business, music, modelling, debate and learning. Presenters and participants stimulate each other’s thinking and together create a fun, creative, brain-nourishing 2 days. The annual Northern Taste of Clean event has become a sparkling example of collaborative learning at its best. You don’t just attend ‘Northern Taste’ - you’re a part of it.

Join us for a 2-day smorgasbord of Clean Language-based sessions, where you will be able to meet:

  • Presenters from the world of clean, who will share their latest thinking and facilitate the group to stretch and adapt that thinking to suit their own needs.
  • Exponents of other methodologies who will help you see how clean relates to these different practices. In previous years this has included other coaching and therapy processes, rapping, Zen meditation, drawing and clowning and we've discovered how an experience of, say, meditation or clowning, can inform our own practice.
  • People who are actively using clean in various fields such as education, health care, sales and business. They’ll tell stories from their worlds and invite you to take part in the clean-based activities they’ve created.
  • Authors of new Clean Language books to launch their creations with a glass of bubbly.

The event starts on Saturday morning when we will rise and shine and energise. Then we'll work in threes and help each to do a ‘Clean Set Up’ for the event. This will help you to find out what kind of event you want it to be, how you want to be as a part of it and what we can all do to help you make the most of the weekend. This really does affect how the event unfolds - it’s truly responsive to what people want.

At the start of each day and after lunch, presenters will briefly summarise the theme of their sessions - it’s up to you to decide which sessions to attend. There’ll be several to choose from and some will be repeated, so there’s no need to worry about missing out. Group sizes will be small and the sessions interactive, so you can expect to learn and contribute lots and to meet all kinds of interesting people.

Why did we call the weekend the ‘Northern Taste of Clean’? Well, for a start there are the taster sessions - all in some way related to Clean Language - which we hope will let you sample a few of the different recipes from the Clean Language menu. Then there are also Shaun's fantastic and famous, healthy vegetarian lunches each day - a real feast for your eyes and your tastebuds.

On the Saturday, we will stop for a break between 6 and 7pm and later you can join us for supper and stories around the fire.

The event is just as suitable for beginners as it is for leaders in the field of Clean so if you know someone who you think would love to find out more about what Clean has to offer, please bring them along.

Your trainer(s)


Caitlin Walker PhD


Caitlin is the developer of Systemic Modelling and author of From Contempt to Curiosity. She is equally at home sharing her ideas with large audiences, facilitating change in small groups and doing deep one-to-one therapy.


Marian Way


Marian loves designing courses, leading them, writing, coaching and group facilitation. She is the author of Clean Approaches for Coaches and co-author of Insights in Space and So you want to be ... #DramaFree.


Shaun Hotchkiss


Shaun is a facilitator of groups and organisations. He has a strong, calm energy for managing drama and conflict. He is also a highly skilled UKCP psychotherapist, and the world's most experienced "Whirly Gig" facilitator.


The Practice
58 Caldy Road
West Kirby, Wirral
United Kingdom
CH48 2HN

The Practice is Caitlin and Shaun’s family home and is situated on the stunning Dee estuary, with views across to North Wales. When you’re not involved with learning you can enjoy a walk along the beach or in the nearby parkland. There are plenty of reasonably-priced B&Bs nearby and West Kirby boasts many lovely pubs and restaurants.


The following places are all within a short walk or drive of the venue. You will need to contact them directly to book accommodation.

Caldy Warren, Caldy - Just along the road from venue

China Plate Farm, West Kirby - 2 miles from venue

Mere Brook House, Thornton Hough - 8.6 miles from venue

Hoylake Holiday Inn    0151 632 2073 

Number 15, Hoylake  -  (0)7989 743389

Hillbark Hotel & Spa, Frankby 

It’s also worth checking out airbnb.co.uk.



The nearest train station is West Kirby. Liverpool Lime Street is a 25 minute taxi journey away (Satellite Cars - 0151 201 0001)


The Northern Taste of Clean event is the one event I really look forward to every year and it just keeps getting better and better! So much learning to be had and shared by the very best in the business - a real smorgasbord of Clean fun! The choice, variety and learning scope for gaining new skills and knowledge is vast and everyone is given the best of opportunities to meet and collaborate with some truly wonderful, highly skilled and experienced Clean professionals. What a truly incredible group of people, hosted by the two most delightfully welcoming hosts (Caitlin and Shaun) who go out of their way to open up their home to create a safe, comfortable and non-judgemental space and environment so that everyone is able to turn up, just as they are. It's events like this that are helping to build an even stronger Clean community and I already cannot wait for next year's! Thank you so much for opening me up to this beautiful world.

Jenny Ball

Northern Taste of Clean was a wonderful opportunity to be inspired by some incredible thinkers and practitioners in the field. Part retreat, part symposium, part experiential therapy... I loved it.

Rachel Gilmore

Northern Taste of Clean is a joyful way of finding out how people are using Clean Language in the world. It’s an opportunity to play and experiment and learn together in mini workshops and in between workshops.

Jacqueline Ann Surin
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Adventures in Clean 2025

Sunday 14 September (2:30pm BST) to Wednesday 17 September (2pm BST), 2025

Price: £895.00 (£1074 inc VAT)

Book your place

All event bookings are subject to our terms of sale.

Venue details

For this event, there are 12 places remaining:

  • 7 places at £895 + VAT
  • 5 places at £995 + VAT


Join us for a multi-level clean experience, with six of the world’s leading clean practitioners. Whether you choose to work on your own personal development, or focus on learning more about clean modelling, this will be a fantastic Clean Learning opportunity.

The event will centre around personal therapeutic development sessions. Everyone who attends will be facilitated by one or two of us for at least one session on a topic of their choice. If personal development is your main purpose for attending, you’ll be able to gain from several sessions over the course of the weekend. We’ll be using Clean LanguageSymbolic Modelling, Clean SpaceEmergent Knowledge and the Whirly Gig to facilitate your personal journey of insight, clarity and change.

Between your own development sessions, you can reflect, write, draw, walk, talk with other participants, observe others’ sessions, ask questions or coach someone else and be supervised by one of us. There will be several things going at once. We will often work in pairs, observing and asking each other modelling questions to learn more about how we each work. You’ll be able to observe all of this and to ask us your own modelling questions during the debrief sessions. This includes modelling what was happening in the facilitator’s mind as they were working with the client as well as modelling the unfolding structure of the session and the client’s journey.

Please note that this is a group event and all sessions will open for everyone to observe and participate. Everyone who attends the event will be expected to take part in at least one personal development session.

Your trainer(s)


Caitlin Walker PhD


Caitlin is the developer of Systemic Modelling and author of From Contempt to Curiosity. She is equally at home sharing her ideas with large audiences, facilitating change in small groups and doing deep one-to-one therapy.


Marian Way


Marian loves designing courses, leading them, writing, coaching and group facilitation. She is the author of Clean Approaches for Coaches and co-author of Insights in Space and So you want to be ... #DramaFree.


James Lawley

James Lawley studied with David Grove for 12 years and is the co-developer of Symbolic Modelling, and co-author of Metaphors in Mind. He teaches Symbolic Modelling to therapists, counsellors, coaches, managers and teachers throughout the world.


Penny Tompkins

Penny Tompkins co-developed Symbolic Modelling and is co-author of Metaphors in Mind. She is a leader in the field of autogenic metaphor and systemic change, and is a psychotherapist registered with the UKCP.


Shaun Hotchkiss


Shaun is a facilitator of groups and organisations. He has a strong, calm energy for managing drama and conflict. He is also a highly skilled UKCP psychotherapist, and the world's most experienced "Whirly Gig" facilitator.


Phil Swallow

Phil has worked closely with leaders in the developing field of clean approaches, both in UK and France, as experienced facilitator, co-trainer and assessor.


The Practice
58 Caldy Road
West Kirby, Wirral
United Kingdom
CH48 2HN

The Practice is Caitlin and Shaun’s family home and is situated on the stunning Dee estuary, with views across to North Wales. When you’re not involved with learning you can enjoy a walk along the beach or in the nearby parkland. There are plenty of reasonably-priced B&Bs nearby and West Kirby boasts many lovely pubs and restaurants.


The following places are all within a short walk or drive of the venue. You will need to contact them directly to book accommodation.

Caldy Warren, Caldy - Just along the road from venue

China Plate Farm, West Kirby - 2 miles from venue

Mere Brook House, Thornton Hough - 8.6 miles from venue

Hoylake Holiday Inn    0151 632 2073 

Number 15, Hoylake  -  (0)7989 743389

Hillbark Hotel & Spa, Frankby 

It’s also worth checking out airbnb.co.uk.



The nearest train station is West Kirby. Liverpool Lime Street is a 25 minute taxi journey away (Satellite Cars - 0151 201 0001)


What a mind-blowing, life-changing experience! I knew the Adventures in Clean would change me in some way; I know how powerful the process is. Getting through and beyond a bind that has bothered me for some time has been a profound experience for me. Being able to find my voice and feel comfortable in voicing my opinion is also a great experience. Being able to model top Clean Language facilitators was also a rich experience as I witnessed many other peers who seem to have similar experiences to mine (judging by their smiling faces on the last day!) I'd like to thank the entire team, Marian, Caitlin, Shaun, Penny & James for their professionalism in organising this event and pulling off in a very well-orchestrated manner! As well as Marcus' awesome bodywork! Really helped my back condition many thanks! Shaun's fabulous meals – kept us feeling nourished from within as well. Enjoying the experience with the other attendees, my peers, also made the experience an even richer journey. The whole homely yet professional supportive Clean Learning environment was a most welcome experience. If you have taken Clean Language training and would not only like to see Clean Language in action by experienced professionals and/or have discovered areas in your personal life that you would like to be addressed, i.e. any blocks (my metaphor!) then Adventures in Clean is a must-have event to attend!

Lorraine Biggs

If there were a Glastonbury festival for the mind, this would be a pass to the backstage party.

David Brown

I’m so glad I listened to my heart and came on this weekend. I enjoyed getting to know myself in a deep way. I am on my authentic/divine path and am letting go of anything that is holding me back! It was also truly fascinating to see how other people tick. Watching the different expert facilitators work was fascinating and the opportunity to ask questions at the end really helped my learning. Great trainers, great group. Thank you for sharing your family home so generously with us. I loved the learning, the sharing, the freedom, the pacing, getting to know new people, the wonderful vegetarian food. It was a totally unique experience and one of the best weekends of my life! I would not change a thing. I loved it!

Ruth Huckle, Teacher
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Systemic Modelling Rolling Programme

Friday 22 August to Sunday 24 August 2025, 9.30am to 5.30pm BST each day

Price: £600.00 (£720 inc VAT)

Book your place

All event bookings are subject to our terms of sale.

Venue details

Buy eight Rolling Programme modules and save £1600

Buy four Rolling Programme modules and save £400


Once you have experienced Systemic Modelling as a participant (on our Clean For Teams workshop, on or Clean Agile Systems Coaching or equivalent), you can join in with the Systemic Modelling rolling programme. This will give you a complete framework and an abundant toolbox for encouraging teams to move from contempt towards curiosity and collaboration. And we use the process to teach the process so you will be experiencing multi-level and collaborative learning at its best.

Regular in-depth and intensive training will enable you to develop competency in applying the principles that underpin Systemic Modelling. You will learn how to use clean questions and metaphor models to support a group to better understand one another and to develop the skills and capability they need to collaborate meaningfully.

You may join in one module at a time, or commit to attending four or eight modules (with a price reduction). Joining in on a long-term basis will enable you to explore the process more deeply, including the philosophy behind it and the skills required to deliver it well. There’ll be skill-building exercises to stretch your attention and to develop your confidence and in-the-moment coaching to ensure you’re competent in the process. You’ll be delivering group processes live to fellow participants and you’ll be offering and receiving feedback from trainers and peers. Between modules, you’ll be expected to find groups of your own to practice with. This programme is fun, full-on and focused.

The models and skills that make up Systemic Modelling include: clean questions; developing personal metaphors; group modelling; becoming #DramaFree; pattern detection; tracking patterns in the group dynamic; developing your personal modelling state. There’ll also be plenty of opportunity for discussion about applications and how you’ll put your learning into action.

There is a continuous assessment process, with a number of assignments that will require you to collect and act on feedback from the trainer, your fellow participants and any other recipients of your skills. You can start this process whenever you wish and when we are confident in your ability to develop a network of attention within a group you will gain your Systemic Modelling Foundation Certificate. And once you are also able to deliver all the models consistently and effectively you will be awarded your Systemic Modelling Professional Certificate.

Your trainer(s)


Marian Way


Marian loves designing courses, leading them, writing, coaching and group facilitation. She is the author of Clean Approaches for Coaches and co-author of Insights in Space and So you want to be ... #DramaFree.


14 Anson Grove
United Kingdom
PO16 8JG

Join Marian and John at their home in Hampshire UK for a friendly relaxed training in a light airy room with fabulous views, plus delicious home-made lunches.


This training was pure excellence in every respect. The authority and power of Caitlin's skill base, complemented by the range of experienced mentors in our midst was a superb context for the highest quality teaching. The balance of concept coverage and experiential learning was skilfully gauged, the connections created between delegates and trainers, the insightful guidance and warm challenges offered along the way, all conspired to enable learning, at its very best, for all. 'Clean' by its nature creates this, enabling listening at the highest level to create common vision and harness awareness, but the quality of delivery, the privilege of experiencing all of this through and with Caitlin and her team, in her home, with such honouring hospitality, resulted in a learning experience second to none. This training creates deep, unforgettable change and I, my workplace and my home will be the better for it. Thank you.

Amanda Maney, Alignment Coach

I’m a reasonably experienced business coach with some high profile clients, and with the tools I had at my disposal prior to Clean I was successful and my clients got good results. However, I’ve started using Clean very quickly after the programme and it’s taken my coaching and results onto another level.

Michael O' Flaherty

This course has given me fabulous strategies and the confidence to help teams be more effective. Systemic Modelling enables teams to get to the real issues of why they aren't working as well and to create their own solutions. A must for facilitators, coaches and trainers working with teams.

Denise Chilton, Coach
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Clean Language: Core Skills

22 July to 9 September - Training: Tuesdays 9am to 1pm BST, Practice: Saturdays 8am to 9:30am BST

Price: £950.00 (£1140 inc VAT)

Community price: £850.00 (£1020 inc VAT)
If, for any reason you need to pay the community price, please just go ahead and choose it here.

Book your place

All event bookings are subject to our terms of sale.

Venue details

Buy Core Skills + Fine Tuning and save £200

Training Dates

Tuesdays :

22, 29 July
5, 12, 19, 26 August
2, 9 September

all 9am to 1pm BST

Practice Dates (optional)


26 July
2, 9, 16, 23, 30 August
6 September

all at 8am to 9:30am BST


Join us for eight Zoom classes where you’ll start from scratch and learn how to help a client to access the metaphors and unconscious patterns that are driving their behaviours. Discover how to develop a person’s metaphor landscape and to encourage the conditions needed for deep and lasting change.

A key principle of Clean Language is that you do less, and your client achieves more. Its basic structure is a set of clean questions, and you will begin by learning these questions and how to ask them. You will find out how to unlock the power of metaphor and you’ll learn firsthand why it’s been described as a doorway to the unconscious mind. You will soon be able to guide others to access and delight in their own inner wisdom. And you will experience the intense satisfaction of being on the receiving end of such guidance.

As we go along, you will build on these basic skills by learning how to use Clean Language to work with clients’ desired outcomes. You will learn how to: steer their attention towards what they want; help them navigate their ‘metaphor landscape’; recognise changes that will happen before your eyes; and help your client to move towards their desired conclusion. And you will experience the power of this clean approach for yourself as your fellow participants work with you towards your own desired outcomes.

We take a step-by-step approach to teaching Clean Language and Symbolic Modelling, with lots of practice, experiences and demonstrations for you to learn from. There will be plenty of time for your questions and you'll also have access to an online manual, where there will be interactive homework and activities between sessions. There will also be a private community space just for your group. Plus you’ll meet other interesting, inspiring people doing great work in different fields - members of the global Clean Language community. You’ll also have multiple opportunities between modules to practise your skills with your fellow participants.

Clean Language is a simple methodology for understanding the complexity of human beings. Every client is unique so you will always be learning. And that can be infinitely worthwhile and rewarding.

Week-by-week Agenda

  • Week 1: Introduction to Clean Language and Symbolic Modelling 
  • Week 2: Working with resources - developing conceptual words into symbolic perceptions
  • Week 3: Directing attention using words, gestures and voice
  • Week 4: Modelling - helping your client uncover the hidden structures behind their patterns of behaviour
  • Week 5: Working with desired outcomes 
  • Week 6: Navigating a whole session
  • Week 7: Change - how to create the conditions for change, how to identify change and what to do when things change
  • Week 8: Choice points and different ways to end a session

Who is it for?

The course was designed with coaches in mind and is also suitable for:

  • Counsellors, psychotherapists and psychologists
  • Health workers
  • Managers who want to use a coaching approach with their team
  • HR professionals, team leaders and mentors
  • NLP Practitioners
  • Students of modalities such as Motivational Interviewing, Appreciative Inquiry, Servant Leadership, Solution-Focus Coaching/Therapy or Non-Violent Communication
  • Anyone whose role involves helping other people to think
  • People who are future-oriented, outcome focussed and fascinated by what makes themselves and others tick
  • People who enjoy learning new tools and different ways of thinking

What will I gain?

  • The Clean Language questions and how to ask them for maximum impact
  • A way to help people feel understood and to gain new perspectives
  • Awareness of the assumptions you’re making a split second after someone speaks - and how to keep them to yourself so you can work with clients’ actual experiences
  • The principles of Clean Language and how to apply them in many different contexts
  • How to help someone to uncover the structure of their own thinking by developing the metaphors they use to express themselves
  • How to identify and work with a client’s desired outcomes and encourage the conditions for change to emerge naturally within their ‘metaphor landscape’.
  • Strategies for where to direct your client’s attention at different stages of the facilitation process
  • A greater understanding of the role that language, especially metaphor, plays in our lives, and how you can utilise that to create deep sustainable change
  • ICF CCEs have been awarded for this programme (31 Core Competencies, 9 Resource Development)

You will also gain masses of personal development as you learn more about your own patterns, mental models and desired outcomes.

Your trainer(s)


Jacqueline Ann Surin

Jacqueline is the leading Clean Language specialist in Asia. She is a Level 1 Clean Facilitator and a Master Level Systemic Modeller, and has a PCC with the ICF. She coaches and facilitates internationally both in-person and online.


Online via Zoom


I’m so grateful that I signed up for the Clean Language course. My rating is "Satisfied Over Expectation"! A training that shows a crisp, clean and useful method. The trainer was a model both of the method and as a course leader. Together with these wonderful colleagues, nothing could be better. Want to learn more.

Birgitta Keller, ICF Coach

If you want to improve your coaching skills or add more resources to your coaching toolbox, Clean Language is the perfect solution. Using the toolbox metaphor I would define it as the perfect ‘adjustable spanner’ that can add an extra dimension to your skill base. In addition, the teaching on "Core Skills" is dedicated and client centred. If you are involved in any ‘one to one’ healing work, then Clean Language can help you to help your clients.

Justin Williams

Learning about clean and how to apply the techniques to every aspect of my life has been enlightening and I cannot say thank you enough!

Amber Proctor
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Clean for Teams

Monday 7 to Thursday 10 July 2025, 2pm to 6pm BST each day

Price: £600.00 (£720 inc VAT)

Community price: £410.00 (£492 inc VAT)
If, for any reason you need to pay the community price, please just go ahead and choose it here.

Book your place

All event bookings are subject to our terms of sale.

Venue details


Clean for Teams is an entry-level workshop / webinar series for those wishing to experience Systemic Modelling - a new way of team coaching where people learn about one another in groups, enabling them to move away from contempt and competition and towards curiosity and collaboration. 

Our facilitators will treat you as though you are a ‘real’ team, encouraging you to notice patterns in yourself and others and to collaborate so that each of you is learning at your best within a diverse group. In this way, you’ll be a recipient of Systemic Modelling (rather than a facilitator) and you will gain a direct experience of the benefits and challenges of being facilitated cleanly.

You may, of course, ask any questions about what the facilitators are doing and you can expect to take away ideas for putting what you’re learning into practice with your own groups or teams.

Systemic Modelling is the brainchild of Caitlin Walker, author of From Contempt to Curiosity. When a few clean questions led her to a greater understanding of herself and a dramatic shift in her life, she decided to adapt the one-to-one therapeutic method developed by David Grove to create a robust methodology that would work for groups and organisations.

Now you can experience the power of these questions – and Caitlin’s group methodology – for yourself in this fabulous, fascinating and fast-moving 2-day workshop or via 4 x 4-hour interactive Zoom sessions.

Clean Language was devised by clinical psychologist David Grove to enable people to explore their own and others’ perceptions. Rather than assume we know what someone means when they use a particular word, gesture or intonation, we can use clean questions to enquire into their experience. In a therapeutic context, David used clean questions to help people to get in touch with their unconscious metaphors and ingrained patterns underpinning their everyday experiences - and to be able to change these at a deep level.

Caitlin recognised that the information that emerges when people are asked clean questions will often be new – not just to the listener, but to the person who’s experience it is. In a group situation, everyone gets to know that information. This in turn can help people to:

  • Be more curious, deeply listen to one another, and work together in a respectful way
  • Learn about one another’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Sort out disagreements or conflicts by increasing their understanding of different perspectives
  • Clarify their thinking
  • Reveal assumptions so that conversations are held at a level everyone can understand
  • Discover hidden values
  • Build shared models of understanding

Your trainer(s)


Caitlin Walker PhD


Caitlin is the developer of Systemic Modelling and author of From Contempt to Curiosity. She is equally at home sharing her ideas with large audiences, facilitating change in small groups and doing deep one-to-one therapy.


Online via Zoom


I have just completed 'Clean for Teams' and have been inspired and astounded by the power of this process. If you are a manager or leader of a group or team you will not fail to gain clarity, understanding and appreciation of this process. I felt inspired and in awe of the trainers in the way they delivered and merged the learning involved so that as participants we all learnt in the way that felt best for us individually whilst developing our understanding of the group process. Highly recommended to anyone who works with teams or aspires to in the future.

Lisa Sturge, Coach

Excellent blend of theory and practice with some useful models and techniques - and a great bunch of delegates to work with. I got lots of really practical advice from Caitlin.

Sally Bean

I just want to dive further after this enjoyable and instructive starter. I will definitely continue onto the Systemic Modelling Rolling Programme.

Ratha Ros
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Clean for Teams

Monday 7 to Thursday 10 July 2025, 8.30am to 12.30pm BST each day

Price: £600.00 (£720 inc VAT)

Community price: £410.00 (£492 inc VAT)
If, for any reason you need to pay the community price, please just go ahead and choose it here.

Book your place

All event bookings are subject to our terms of sale.

Venue details


Clean for Teams is an entry-level workshop / webinar series for those wishing to experience Systemic Modelling - a new way of team coaching where people learn about one another in groups, enabling them to move away from contempt and competition and towards curiosity and collaboration. 

Our facilitators will treat you as though you are a ‘real’ team, encouraging you to notice patterns in yourself and others and to collaborate so that each of you is learning at your best within a diverse group. In this way, you’ll be a recipient of Systemic Modelling (rather than a facilitator) and you will gain a direct experience of the benefits and challenges of being facilitated cleanly.

You may, of course, ask any questions about what the facilitators are doing and you can expect to take away ideas for putting what you’re learning into practice with your own groups or teams.

Systemic Modelling is the brainchild of Caitlin Walker, author of From Contempt to Curiosity. When a few clean questions led her to a greater understanding of herself and a dramatic shift in her life, she decided to adapt the one-to-one therapeutic method developed by David Grove to create a robust methodology that would work for groups and organisations.

Now you can experience the power of these questions – and Caitlin’s group methodology – for yourself in this fabulous, fascinating and fast-moving 2-day workshop or via 4 x 4-hour interactive Zoom sessions.

Clean Language was devised by clinical psychologist David Grove to enable people to explore their own and others’ perceptions. Rather than assume we know what someone means when they use a particular word, gesture or intonation, we can use clean questions to enquire into their experience. In a therapeutic context, David used clean questions to help people to get in touch with their unconscious metaphors and ingrained patterns underpinning their everyday experiences - and to be able to change these at a deep level.

Caitlin recognised that the information that emerges when people are asked clean questions will often be new – not just to the listener, but to the person who’s experience it is. In a group situation, everyone gets to know that information. This in turn can help people to:

  • Be more curious, deeply listen to one another, and work together in a respectful way
  • Learn about one another’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Sort out disagreements or conflicts by increasing their understanding of different perspectives
  • Clarify their thinking
  • Reveal assumptions so that conversations are held at a level everyone can understand
  • Discover hidden values
  • Build shared models of understanding

Your trainer(s)


Caitlin Walker PhD


Caitlin is the developer of Systemic Modelling and author of From Contempt to Curiosity. She is equally at home sharing her ideas with large audiences, facilitating change in small groups and doing deep one-to-one therapy.


Online via Zoom


I have just completed 'Clean for Teams' and have been inspired and astounded by the power of this process. If you are a manager or leader of a group or team you will not fail to gain clarity, understanding and appreciation of this process. I felt inspired and in awe of the trainers in the way they delivered and merged the learning involved so that as participants we all learnt in the way that felt best for us individually whilst developing our understanding of the group process. Highly recommended to anyone who works with teams or aspires to in the future.

Lisa Sturge, Coach

Excellent blend of theory and practice with some useful models and techniques - and a great bunch of delegates to work with. I got lots of really practical advice from Caitlin.

Sally Bean

I just want to dive further after this enjoyable and instructive starter. I will definitely continue onto the Systemic Modelling Rolling Programme.

Ratha Ros
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Creating #DramaFree Conversations

Tuesday 24 June to Friday 27 June, 8.30am to 12.30pm BST each day

Price: £264.00 (£316.8 inc VAT)

Community price: £140.00 (£168 inc VAT)
If, for any reason you need to pay the community price, please just go ahead and choose it here.

Book your place

All event bookings are subject to our terms of sale.

Venue details


Are you finding it difficult to manage relationships? Always stressed out? Feeling frustrated or defeated? Surrounded by conflict, blame and repeating problems instead of clear thinking, agreement and action? Would you like some new tools and strategies to change the way you’re thinking about and reacting to the drama situations you find yourself in?

Creating #DramaFree Conversations is designed to help you reduce unnecessary conflict in your life, to move from drama to calm collaboration – at work, at home and in your community.

We have spent over 20 years supporting individuals and groups to detect the dramas they’re in or the dramas other people are trying to get them into.

During these two half-days online we will offer tools, including clean questions, to encourage you to get curious about your dramas, unpack the key pieces, separate evidence from inference, come to understand what is actually happening and your part in it. 

From this position of clarity, it’s possible to shift your attention towards what you would like to have happen instead. Just the act of unpacking drama can allow you to think and breathe more freely and become more creative in the options available to you.

You can’t always get what you want but you can take actions you are proud of. You don’t have to be going around the same old dramas day in and day out and wearing out your goodwill and patience.

We will explore the following themes:

  • What is drama? How can you detect it? What are the costs and benefits of drama?
  • When you're in drama, you're like what? What triggers you into drama?
  • Separating your drama into evidence, inference and impact.
  • What would you like to have happen? And what if that's not possible?
  • Clean Change Cycle: Outcome, Action, Feedback
  • Reflecting on your learning - and what happens next?

During the programme you will be able to try out different behaviours and get support and feedback from the group as well as the facilitators. Places are limited to 12.

Everyone who attends will receive a free pdf copy of So you want to be ... #DramaFree - your own journal to record your experiences as you go through this programme.

Who is it for?

  • Managers
  • Teachers
  • Parents
  • Anyone going through external or internal conflict and looking for resolution
  • Coaches looking for new tools to use with their clients

Your trainer(s)


Caitlin Walker PhD


Caitlin is the developer of Systemic Modelling and author of From Contempt to Curiosity. She is equally at home sharing her ideas with large audiences, facilitating change in small groups and doing deep one-to-one therapy.


Online via Zoom


In this course, I got so many insights about big and small dramas in daily life situations. I have learned a lot about my own internal drama and how to handle challenging conversations in a better way. There is much more understanding now about the way people react and what might be going on for them.

Sabine Glatz

Creating #DramaFree Conversations is a brilliant event that really makes you think about the way language and behaviour influences what happens around us, whether it be in home or work life. It gives clear guidance on how to begin to change the dynamics to reduce drama and uses great examples to bring the whole thing to life.

Catherine Horner
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  2. Events

Creating #DramaFree Conversations

Tuesday 24 June to Friday 27 June, 2pm to 6pm BST each day

Price: £264.00 (£316.8 inc VAT)

Community price: £140.00 (£168 inc VAT)
If, for any reason you need to pay the community price, please just go ahead and choose it here.

Book your place

All event bookings are subject to our terms of sale.

Venue details


Are you finding it difficult to manage relationships? Always stressed out? Feeling frustrated or defeated? Surrounded by conflict, blame and repeating problems instead of clear thinking, agreement and action? Would you like some new tools and strategies to change the way you’re thinking about and reacting to the drama situations you find yourself in?

Creating #DramaFree Conversations is designed to help you reduce unnecessary conflict in your life, to move from drama to calm collaboration – at work, at home and in your community.

We have spent over 20 years supporting individuals and groups to detect the dramas they’re in or the dramas other people are trying to get them into.

During these two half-days online we will offer tools, including clean questions, to encourage you to get curious about your dramas, unpack the key pieces, separate evidence from inference, come to understand what is actually happening and your part in it. 

From this position of clarity, it’s possible to shift your attention towards what you would like to have happen instead. Just the act of unpacking drama can allow you to think and breathe more freely and become more creative in the options available to you.

You can’t always get what you want but you can take actions you are proud of. You don’t have to be going around the same old dramas day in and day out and wearing out your goodwill and patience.

We will explore the following themes:

  • What is drama? How can you detect it? What are the costs and benefits of drama?
  • When you're in drama, you're like what? What triggers you into drama?
  • Separating your drama into evidence, inference and impact.
  • What would you like to have happen? And what if that's not possible?
  • Clean Change Cycle: Outcome, Action, Feedback
  • Reflecting on your learning - and what happens next?

During the programme you will be able to try out different behaviours and get support and feedback from the group as well as the facilitators. Places are limited to 12.

Everyone who attends will receive a free pdf copy of So you want to be ... #DramaFree - your own journal to record your experiences as you go through this programme.

Who is it for?

  • Managers
  • Teachers
  • Parents
  • Anyone going through external or internal conflict and looking for resolution
  • Coaches looking for new tools to use with their clients

Your trainer(s)


Caitlin Walker PhD


Caitlin is the developer of Systemic Modelling and author of From Contempt to Curiosity. She is equally at home sharing her ideas with large audiences, facilitating change in small groups and doing deep one-to-one therapy.


Online via Zoom


In this course, I got so many insights about big and small dramas in daily life situations. I have learned a lot about my own internal drama and how to handle challenging conversations in a better way. There is much more understanding now about the way people react and what might be going on for them.

Sabine Glatz

Creating #DramaFree Conversations is a brilliant event that really makes you think about the way language and behaviour influences what happens around us, whether it be in home or work life. It gives clear guidance on how to begin to change the dynamics to reduce drama and uses great examples to bring the whole thing to life.

Catherine Horner
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Clean Interviewing

Basic Clean Interviewing

Fridays 30 May, 6 June, 13 June, 20 June, 27 June, 4 July, 11 July, 18 July, 5 September 2025, 2pm to 6pm BST

Price: £800.00 (£960 inc VAT)

Community price: £600.00 (£720 inc VAT)
If, for any reason you need to pay the community price, please just go ahead and choose it here.

Book your place

All event bookings are subject to our terms of sale.

Venue details


  • 30 May - training 
  • 6 June - training
  • 13 June - training
  • 20 June - practice
  • 27 June - training
  • 4 July - training
  • 11 July - practice and peer assessment of interviews
  • 18 July - training
  • 5 September - submission day


Learn the basics of this versatile skill that can be used with individuals and groups in any interview context where you want to obtain high-quality information while avoiding bias. The tools can be used practically in the fields of recruiting, marketing, sales and research, among others.

In a regular interview, it is very easy - and natural - to bias the data collection without even meaning to. We paraphrase the interviewee's words; we think we know what they mean (and so fail to ask further questions) and we ask questions which are full of our own assumptions. A clean interviewer seeks to reduce the possibility of bias creeping in by asking questions of the interviewee's actual words, exploring what's behind those words and asking questions which are as free from assumption as possible - all while keeping the purpose of the interview in mind.

During this training, you will learn:

  • The purpose of interviewing cleanly and its costs and benefits.
  • How to use the ‘Cleanness Rating’ to distinguish between classically clean, contextually clean, mildly leading and strongly leading questions.
  • How to frame a Clean Interview and keep it on track.
  • The purpose of repeating back and how often to do this.
  • How to summarise what’s been said and redirect attention.
  • Tips and troubleshooting.

To gain a certificate in Basic Clean Language Interviewing, you will need to submit a 20-minute interview for assessment. Assessment will be based on the Cleanness Rating and whether the interview is fit for purpose. (You will be able to submit one or two practice interviews for review/feedback during the course.) 

Your trainer(s)


Svetlana Shapovaliants

Svetlana has over 25 years of experience as a senior professional in large international corporates. She is a Level 1 Clean Facilitator, has achieved Systemic Modelling Trainer level and is an assessor for the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

Pascal Clarkson

Pascal Clarkson

Currently living in the Netherlands, Pascal is very active in the Clean Community and co-organises a yearly Clean Language Event. It is his mission to spread the ideas and practices of Clean Language as much as possible, as he believes these to be of great value.


Caitlin Walker PhD


Caitlin is the developer of Systemic Modelling and author of From Contempt to Curiosity. She is equally at home sharing her ideas with large audiences, facilitating change in small groups and doing deep one-to-one therapy.


Online via Zoom


When I think of Clean Interviewing, I think of "high fidelity." I'm convinced that if you need to relay the thoughts / knowledge / feelings / beliefs of individuals with minimal distortion, then Clean Interviewing is the best way to obtain the information. Since learning the techniques, I've started using them to facilitate communication between non-designers and designers. I've seen some evidence that "high fidelity" information from non-designers obtained early in a project can help designers to create a product that "feels right" more efficiently. I can imagine many other potential applications, and I believe that the world will be a better place if more people learn how to gather information in this respectful, non-leading way.

Lisa Hosokawa

As I age, what I engage with in terms of training has become, by default, increasingly intentional. Over the years, I have participated in a lot of the more cliche training that has swept over the corporate landscape in the United States, i.e. Myers Briggs, Be Here Now, etc. I am not suggesting that these trainings weren't valuable on some level, however, I would not have chosen them. When it comes to selecting training now, I think about relevance, and whether or not what is being offered will transcend a current trend. 'Basic Clean Interviewing', I have found fits that bill; in fact, it exceeded my expectations in terms of material covered and usability going forward. Being able to incorporate what I have learned so far, within the Clean Interviewing scope, will only deepen my understanding of the information I receive from those who I engage with in a Clean Interviewing context. I am SO grateful that this has been offered via Zoom in a timeframe that is accessible to my schedule in the U.S. and hope that others will consider this course and the perpetual benefits that it offers.

Deb Carpenter

The Basic Clean Interviewing training was like attending a series of dinner parties, with a great group in a relaxed atmosphere. We enjoyed an entertaining mix of theory, practising and exchange, which revealed lots of interesting connections. This was the well-known quality of Clean Learning trainings in a new shape.

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Clean Interviewing

Basic Clean Interviewing

Fridays 30 May, 6 June, 13 June, 20 June, 27 June, 4 July, 11 July, 18 July, 5 September 2025, 8.30am to 12.30pm BST

Price: £800.00 (£960 inc VAT)

Community price: £600.00 (£720 inc VAT)
If, for any reason you need to pay the community price, please just go ahead and choose it here.

Book your place

All event bookings are subject to our terms of sale.

Venue details


  • 30 May - training 
  • 6 June - training
  • 13 June - training
  • 20 June - practice
  • 27 June - training
  • 4 July - training
  • 11 July - practice and peer assessment of interviews
  • 18 July - training
  • 5 September - submission day


Learn the basics of this versatile skill that can be used with individuals and groups in any interview context where you want to obtain high-quality information while avoiding bias. The tools can be used practically in the fields of recruiting, marketing, sales and research, among others.

In a regular interview, it is very easy - and natural - to bias the data collection without even meaning to. We paraphrase the interviewee's words; we think we know what they mean (and so fail to ask further questions) and we ask questions which are full of our own assumptions. A clean interviewer seeks to reduce the possibility of bias creeping in by asking questions of the interviewee's actual words, exploring what's behind those words and asking questions which are as free from assumption as possible - all while keeping the purpose of the interview in mind.

During this training, you will learn:

  • The purpose of interviewing cleanly and its costs and benefits.
  • How to use the ‘Cleanness Rating’ to distinguish between classically clean, contextually clean, mildly leading and strongly leading questions.
  • How to frame a Clean Interview and keep it on track.
  • The purpose of repeating back and how often to do this.
  • How to summarise what’s been said and redirect attention.
  • Tips and troubleshooting.

To gain a certificate in Basic Clean Language Interviewing, you will need to submit a 20-minute interview for assessment. Assessment will be based on the Cleanness Rating and whether the interview is fit for purpose. (You will be able to submit one or two practice interviews for review/feedback during the course.) 

Your trainer(s)


Jacqueline Ann Surin

Jacqueline is the leading Clean Language specialist in Asia. She is a Level 1 Clean Facilitator and a Master Level Systemic Modeller, and has a PCC with the ICF. She coaches and facilitates internationally both in-person and online.

Pascal Clarkson

Pascal Clarkson

Currently living in the Netherlands, Pascal is very active in the Clean Community and co-organises a yearly Clean Language Event. It is his mission to spread the ideas and practices of Clean Language as much as possible, as he believes these to be of great value.


Caitlin Walker PhD


Caitlin is the developer of Systemic Modelling and author of From Contempt to Curiosity. She is equally at home sharing her ideas with large audiences, facilitating change in small groups and doing deep one-to-one therapy.


Online via Zoom


When I think of Clean Interviewing, I think of "high fidelity." I'm convinced that if you need to relay the thoughts / knowledge / feelings / beliefs of individuals with minimal distortion, then Clean Interviewing is the best way to obtain the information. Since learning the techniques, I've started using them to facilitate communication between non-designers and designers. I've seen some evidence that "high fidelity" information from non-designers obtained early in a project can help designers to create a product that "feels right" more efficiently. I can imagine many other potential applications, and I believe that the world will be a better place if more people learn how to gather information in this respectful, non-leading way.

Lisa Hosokawa

As I age, what I engage with in terms of training has become, by default, increasingly intentional. Over the years, I have participated in a lot of the more cliche training that has swept over the corporate landscape in the United States, i.e. Myers Briggs, Be Here Now, etc. I am not suggesting that these trainings weren't valuable on some level, however, I would not have chosen them. When it comes to selecting training now, I think about relevance, and whether or not what is being offered will transcend a current trend. 'Basic Clean Interviewing', I have found fits that bill; in fact, it exceeded my expectations in terms of material covered and usability going forward. Being able to incorporate what I have learned so far, within the Clean Interviewing scope, will only deepen my understanding of the information I receive from those who I engage with in a Clean Interviewing context. I am SO grateful that this has been offered via Zoom in a timeframe that is accessible to my schedule in the U.S. and hope that others will consider this course and the perpetual benefits that it offers.

Deb Carpenter

The Basic Clean Interviewing training was like attending a series of dinner parties, with a great group in a relaxed atmosphere. We enjoyed an entertaining mix of theory, practising and exchange, which revealed lots of interesting connections. This was the well-known quality of Clean Learning trainings in a new shape.

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Clean Language: Core Skills

Tuesday 20 May, Wednesdays 21, 28 May, 4, 18, 25 June and 2, 9 July 2025, 3pm to 7pm BST each day + practice sessions described below

Price: £950.00 (£1140 inc VAT)

Community price: £850.00 (£1020 inc VAT)
If, for any reason you need to pay the community price, please just go ahead and choose it here.

Book your place

All event bookings are subject to our terms of sale.

Venue details

Buy Core Skills + Fine Tuning and save £200

The training/practice will take place on Tuesdays and Wednesdays:

  • 20, 21 May - training 3pm - 7pm BST
  • 27 May - practice 4pm - 5.30pm BST
  • 28 May - training 3pm - 7pm BST
  • 3 June - practice 4pm - 5.30pm BST
  • 4 June - training 3pm - 7pm BST
  • 10, 17 June - practice 4pm - 5.30pm BST
  • 18 June - training 3pm - 7pm BST
  • 24 June - practice 4pm - 5.30pm BST
  • 25 June - training 3pm - 7pm BST
  • 1 July - practice 4pm - 5.30pm BST
  • 2 July - training 3pm - 7pm BST
  • 8 July - practice 4pm - 5.30pm BST
  • 9 July - training 3pm - 7pm BST


Join us for eight Zoom classes where you’ll start from scratch and learn how to help a client to access the metaphors and unconscious patterns that are driving their behaviours. Discover how to develop a person’s metaphor landscape and to encourage the conditions needed for deep and lasting change.

A key principle of Clean Language is that you do less, and your client achieves more. Its basic structure is a set of clean questions, and you will begin by learning these questions and how to ask them. You will find out how to unlock the power of metaphor and you’ll learn firsthand why it’s been described as a doorway to the unconscious mind. You will soon be able to guide others to access and delight in their own inner wisdom. And you will experience the intense satisfaction of being on the receiving end of such guidance.

As we go along, you will build on these basic skills by learning how to use Clean Language to work with clients’ desired outcomes. You will learn how to: steer their attention towards what they want; help them navigate their ‘metaphor landscape’; recognise changes that will happen before your eyes; and help your client to move towards their desired conclusion. And you will experience the power of this clean approach for yourself as your fellow participants work with you towards your own desired outcomes.

We take a step-by-step approach to teaching Clean Language and Symbolic Modelling, with lots of practice, experiences and demonstrations for you to learn from. There will be plenty of time for your questions and you'll also have access to an online manual, where there will be interactive homework and activities between sessions. There will also be a private community space just for your group. Plus you’ll meet other interesting, inspiring people doing great work in different fields - members of the global Clean Language community. You’ll also have multiple opportunities between modules to practise your skills with your fellow participants.

Clean Language is a simple methodology for understanding the complexity of human beings. Every client is unique so you will always be learning. And that can be infinitely worthwhile and rewarding.

Week-by-week Agenda

  • Week 1: Introduction to Clean Language and Symbolic Modelling 
  • Week 2: Working with resources - developing conceptual words into symbolic perceptions
  • Week 3: Directing attention using words, gestures and voice
  • Week 4: Modelling - helping your client uncover the hidden structures behind their patterns of behaviour
  • Week 5: Working with desired outcomes 
  • Week 6: Navigating a whole session
  • Week 7: Change - how to create the conditions for change, how to identify change and what to do when things change
  • Week 8: Choice points and different ways to end a session

Who is it for?

The course was designed with coaches in mind and is also suitable for:

  • Counsellors, psychotherapists and psychologists
  • Health workers
  • Managers who want to use a coaching approach with their team
  • HR professionals, team leaders and mentors
  • NLP Practitioners
  • Students of modalities such as Motivational Interviewing, Appreciative Inquiry, Servant Leadership, Solution-Focus Coaching/Therapy or Non-Violent Communication
  • Anyone whose role involves helping other people to think
  • People who are future-oriented, outcome focussed and fascinated by what makes themselves and others tick
  • People who enjoy learning new tools and different ways of thinking

What will I gain?

  • The Clean Language questions and how to ask them for maximum impact
  • A way to help people feel understood and to gain new perspectives
  • Awareness of the assumptions you’re making a split second after someone speaks - and how to keep them to yourself so you can work with clients’ actual experiences
  • The principles of Clean Language and how to apply them in many different contexts
  • How to help someone to uncover the structure of their own thinking by developing the metaphors they use to express themselves
  • How to identify and work with a client’s desired outcomes and encourage the conditions for change to emerge naturally within their ‘metaphor landscape’.
  • Strategies for where to direct your client’s attention at different stages of the facilitation process
  • A greater understanding of the role that language, especially metaphor, plays in our lives, and how you can utilise that to create deep sustainable change
  • ICF CCEs have been awarded for this programme (31 Core Competencies, 9 Resource Development)

You will also gain masses of personal development as you learn more about your own patterns, mental models and desired outcomes.

Your trainer(s)


Doris Leibold

Doris has trained in Clean Language, Symbolic and Systemic Modelling. She is passionate about sharing tools and strategies that enable people to stay empowered in difficult of situations and make decisions that are in line with their values.


Online via Zoom


I’m so grateful that I signed up for the Clean Language course. My rating is "Satisfied Over Expectation"! A training that shows a crisp, clean and useful method. The trainer was a model both of the method and as a course leader. Together with these wonderful colleagues, nothing could be better. Want to learn more.

Birgitta Keller, ICF Coach

If you want to improve your coaching skills or add more resources to your coaching toolbox, Clean Language is the perfect solution. Using the toolbox metaphor I would define it as the perfect ‘adjustable spanner’ that can add an extra dimension to your skill base. In addition, the teaching on "Core Skills" is dedicated and client centred. If you are involved in any ‘one to one’ healing work, then Clean Language can help you to help your clients.

Justin Williams

Learning about clean and how to apply the techniques to every aspect of my life has been enlightening and I cannot say thank you enough!

Amber Proctor
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Systemic Modelling Rolling Programme

Monday 19 to Friday 23 May 2025, 2pm to 6pm BST each day

Price: £600.00 (£720 inc VAT)

Book your place

All event bookings are subject to our terms of sale.

Venue details

Buy eight Rolling Programme modules and save £1600

Buy four Rolling Programme modules and save £400


Once you have experienced Systemic Modelling as a participant (on our Clean For Teams workshop, on or Clean Agile Systems Coaching or equivalent), you can join in with the Systemic Modelling rolling programme. This will give you a complete framework and an abundant toolbox for encouraging teams to move from contempt towards curiosity and collaboration. And we use the process to teach the process so you will be experiencing multi-level and collaborative learning at its best.

Regular in-depth and intensive training will enable you to develop competency in applying the principles that underpin Systemic Modelling. You will learn how to use clean questions and metaphor models to support a group to better understand one another and to develop the skills and capability they need to collaborate meaningfully.

You may join in one module at a time, or commit to attending four or eight modules (with a price reduction). Joining in on a long-term basis will enable you to explore the process more deeply, including the philosophy behind it and the skills required to deliver it well. There’ll be skill-building exercises to stretch your attention and to develop your confidence and in-the-moment coaching to ensure you’re competent in the process. You’ll be delivering group processes live to fellow participants and you’ll be offering and receiving feedback from trainers and peers. Between modules, you’ll be expected to find groups of your own to practice with. This programme is fun, full-on and focused.

The models and skills that make up Systemic Modelling include: clean questions; developing personal metaphors; group modelling; becoming #DramaFree; pattern detection; tracking patterns in the group dynamic; developing your personal modelling state. There’ll also be plenty of opportunity for discussion about applications and how you’ll put your learning into action.

There is a continuous assessment process, with a number of assignments that will require you to collect and act on feedback from the trainer, your fellow participants and any other recipients of your skills. You can start this process whenever you wish and when we are confident in your ability to develop a network of attention within a group you will gain your Systemic Modelling Foundation Certificate. And once you are also able to deliver all the models consistently and effectively you will be awarded your Systemic Modelling Professional Certificate.

Your trainer(s)


Caitlin Walker PhD


Caitlin is the developer of Systemic Modelling and author of From Contempt to Curiosity. She is equally at home sharing her ideas with large audiences, facilitating change in small groups and doing deep one-to-one therapy.


Online via Zoom


This training was pure excellence in every respect. The authority and power of Caitlin's skill base, complemented by the range of experienced mentors in our midst was a superb context for the highest quality teaching. The balance of concept coverage and experiential learning was skilfully gauged, the connections created between delegates and trainers, the insightful guidance and warm challenges offered along the way, all conspired to enable learning, at its very best, for all. 'Clean' by its nature creates this, enabling listening at the highest level to create common vision and harness awareness, but the quality of delivery, the privilege of experiencing all of this through and with Caitlin and her team, in her home, with such honouring hospitality, resulted in a learning experience second to none. This training creates deep, unforgettable change and I, my workplace and my home will be the better for it. Thank you.

Amanda Maney, Alignment Coach

I’m a reasonably experienced business coach with some high profile clients, and with the tools I had at my disposal prior to Clean I was successful and my clients got good results. However, I’ve started using Clean very quickly after the programme and it’s taken my coaching and results onto another level.

Michael O' Flaherty

This course has given me fabulous strategies and the confidence to help teams be more effective. Systemic Modelling enables teams to get to the real issues of why they aren't working as well and to create their own solutions. A must for facilitators, coaches and trainers working with teams.

Denise Chilton, Coach
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Systemic Modelling Rolling Programme

Monday 19 to Friday 23 May 2025, 8.30am to 12.30pm BST each day

Price: £600.00 (£720 inc VAT)

Book your place

All event bookings are subject to our terms of sale.

Venue details

Buy eight Rolling Programme modules and save £1600

Buy four Rolling Programme modules and save £400


Once you have experienced Systemic Modelling as a participant (on our Clean For Teams workshop, on or Clean Agile Systems Coaching or equivalent), you can join in with the Systemic Modelling rolling programme. This will give you a complete framework and an abundant toolbox for encouraging teams to move from contempt towards curiosity and collaboration. And we use the process to teach the process so you will be experiencing multi-level and collaborative learning at its best.

Regular in-depth and intensive training will enable you to develop competency in applying the principles that underpin Systemic Modelling. You will learn how to use clean questions and metaphor models to support a group to better understand one another and to develop the skills and capability they need to collaborate meaningfully.

You may join in one module at a time, or commit to attending four or eight modules (with a price reduction). Joining in on a long-term basis will enable you to explore the process more deeply, including the philosophy behind it and the skills required to deliver it well. There’ll be skill-building exercises to stretch your attention and to develop your confidence and in-the-moment coaching to ensure you’re competent in the process. You’ll be delivering group processes live to fellow participants and you’ll be offering and receiving feedback from trainers and peers. Between modules, you’ll be expected to find groups of your own to practice with. This programme is fun, full-on and focused.

The models and skills that make up Systemic Modelling include: clean questions; developing personal metaphors; group modelling; becoming #DramaFree; pattern detection; tracking patterns in the group dynamic; developing your personal modelling state. There’ll also be plenty of opportunity for discussion about applications and how you’ll put your learning into action.

There is a continuous assessment process, with a number of assignments that will require you to collect and act on feedback from the trainer, your fellow participants and any other recipients of your skills. You can start this process whenever you wish and when we are confident in your ability to develop a network of attention within a group you will gain your Systemic Modelling Foundation Certificate. And once you are also able to deliver all the models consistently and effectively you will be awarded your Systemic Modelling Professional Certificate.

Your trainer(s)


Caitlin Walker PhD


Caitlin is the developer of Systemic Modelling and author of From Contempt to Curiosity. She is equally at home sharing her ideas with large audiences, facilitating change in small groups and doing deep one-to-one therapy.


Online via Zoom


This training was pure excellence in every respect. The authority and power of Caitlin's skill base, complemented by the range of experienced mentors in our midst was a superb context for the highest quality teaching. The balance of concept coverage and experiential learning was skilfully gauged, the connections created between delegates and trainers, the insightful guidance and warm challenges offered along the way, all conspired to enable learning, at its very best, for all. 'Clean' by its nature creates this, enabling listening at the highest level to create common vision and harness awareness, but the quality of delivery, the privilege of experiencing all of this through and with Caitlin and her team, in her home, with such honouring hospitality, resulted in a learning experience second to none. This training creates deep, unforgettable change and I, my workplace and my home will be the better for it. Thank you.

Amanda Maney, Alignment Coach

I’m a reasonably experienced business coach with some high profile clients, and with the tools I had at my disposal prior to Clean I was successful and my clients got good results. However, I’ve started using Clean very quickly after the programme and it’s taken my coaching and results onto another level.

Michael O' Flaherty

This course has given me fabulous strategies and the confidence to help teams be more effective. Systemic Modelling enables teams to get to the real issues of why they aren't working as well and to create their own solutions. A must for facilitators, coaches and trainers working with teams.

Denise Chilton, Coach
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Clean Coach Certification Programme (ICF ACC) in Switzerland

14-17 May and 11-14 June 2025, 8:30 to 5:30 CET each day

Price: 4500 CHF + VAT @ 8.1%

Book online

All event bookings are subject to our terms of sale.

Venue details

This course will be delivered in English with translation provided in French. 

For English-speakers, we'd like to talk with you before you book your place, so we and you can make sure this is the right programme for you. Click here to book a 30-min chat with Marian Way: https://calendly.com/marian-way/chat-about-clean-coach-certification-programme

For French-speakers, please click 'book online' to visit the website of our partners, We Reinvent.


Are you a coach, aspiring coach or Clean Language facilitator? Or a manager, consultant, HR specialist, health worker or leader who would like to gain skills in coaching with Clean Language? Would you like to gain formal accreditation as a coach with the International Coaching Federation (ICF)?

Join our Clean Coach Certification Programme to gain training in clean coaching which also forms the basis of your application to become an Associate Accredited Coach (ACC).

The ICF is the leading global organisation for coaches and coaching, dedicated to advancing the coaching profession by setting high standards, providing independent certification and building a worldwide network of trained coaching professionals. ICF accreditation is often required by those procuring coaching services - as a guarantee of quality.

The ICF defines coaching as: Partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximise their personal and professional potential.

We recognised this definition as being a good fit with what happens during Clean Language sessions, and together with our colleagues in Sweden - Lena Sobel and Søren Holm, both experienced ICF coaches - we set out to create an accredited course that would allow coaches to make full use of Clean Language and Symbolic Modelling within their coaching practice.

During the course you will:

  • Establish definitions for coaching, Clean Language and Symbolic Modelling and learn how they can combine to produce powerful and often life-changing experiences for your clients.
  • Learn the basic clean questions of David Grove and how they can be used for maximum effect.
  • Practice Caitlin Walker's Clean Set Up model and ascertain different ways this can be used in a coaching context.
  • Find out how to use clean and clean-ish questions to reach and maintain agreements with clients, both at the start of a series of sessions and at the start of each individual session.
  • Discover how to identify problem statements, remedy statements, desired outcomes and resources and how to use clean questions to direct clients' attention more to desired outcomes and resources.
  • Determine which are the best clean questions for moving a client's attention from their conceptual, everyday world, towards a more metaphorical or symbolic expression of that world.
  • Learn how you can help your client to clarify the structure of their thinking by developing the unconscious metaphors they use.
  • Gain a deep understanding of the importance of metaphors in everyday communication and in coaching.
  • Find out how using Clean Language is a natural way to cultivate trust and safety with your client.
  • Participate in coaching practice sessions that will bring you rich personal development - an essential ingredient in becoming a coach.
  • Practice the Clean Feedback model during these sessions and integrate this into your coaching practice too.
  • Improve your listening skills and develop your coaching presence.
  • Discover how to partner with your client to design goals, actions and accountability measures that integrate and expand new learning.
  • Learn how the skills of Clean Language and Symbolic Modelling relate to the ICF Core Competencies.
  • Understand the ICF Code of Ethics and what needs to happen for you to apply it in your own coaching practice.
  • Have access to an online manual and to the Clean Campus - our online community of practice, where you can meet and practise with others on the course and with participants from other clean courses.

The training takes place over 8 days in person or 15 x 4-hour sessions via Zoom. There'll be teaching, discussion, practice activities, demonstrations and time for reflection. Within practice sessions you will receive feedback from experienced clean coaches who have already gained their accreditation with the ICF.  Following the training you will join two online group mentoring sessions and you will also receive 3 hours of 1-2-1 mentoring. 

The Clean Coach Certification Programme is run according to clean principles, which means that although we’ll be going in a definite direction, the way we get there will be partly down to you and your needs, your questions and your interests. From the outset we’ll be discovering what kind of training you would like to have and we’ll be tailoring what we do to meet your needs. We’ll be checking in with you regularly, because we know that your ideas about what you’d like to have happen are likely to change as new information - about yourself, the process and the course itself - becomes available. 

We’ll be respecting and encouraging diverse thinking. We’ll be welcoming your contributions and your questions and we’ll be suggesting you ask them as they occur to you, so that your learning can happen in the moment. We love helping people to learn the skills of Clean Coaching - and to witness the personal development that occurs when these skills are put into practice. We hope you’ll find this programme fun, interesting and challenging, that you’ll enjoy the whole experience and that you’ll learn a lot.

This Clean Coach Certification Programme is accredited as an ICF Level 1 programme. It includes 52 hours training, 10 hours mentoring and your performance evaluation (where you record and transcribe a coaching session and submit this for evaluation). To gain the ACC accreditation you will also need to do 100 hours of client coaching and pass the ICF's Credentialling Exam. Please note that there is an additional fee, payable to the ICF, for the credentialling process.

Our mission / vision for being an ICF accredited coach education provider (docx 14KB)

Our learning philosophy (docx 15KB)

Your trainer(s)


Marian Way


Marian loves designing courses, leading them, writing, coaching and group facilitation. She is the author of Clean Approaches for Coaches and co-author of Insights in Space and So you want to be ... #DramaFree.


Caitlin Walker PhD


Caitlin is the developer of Systemic Modelling and author of From Contempt to Curiosity. She is equally at home sharing her ideas with large audiences, facilitating change in small groups and doing deep one-to-one therapy.


Pro Natura Champ Pittet
Chemin de la Cariçaie 1 à 1400 Yverdon


I am delighted to say that I have been awarded the PCC credential! I am ‘over the moon’ and can’t thank you enough for the role you have played in supporting my learning and development as a coach. One of the recordings I submitted for my application demonstrated how impactful Clean Language and Symbolic Modelling can be as a means of evoking awareness. It’s worth highlighting that the assessor feedback indicated that all but one PCC marker was observed for this session. I think that is a real credit to you and the wonderful course! Thank you.

Alastair Callaghan, Coach, Facilitator & Trainer

I started the Clean Coach Certification programme after a few years of deciding what would be the best next step for me to combine Clean Language skills with a planned programme of study to help me develop the next stage of my career. I am a nurse, working in healthcare and knew that I wanted a more focused approach to support the change that I wanted in my career. I joined the Clean Coach Certification programme with some trepidation as I expected it to be mainly experienced coaches and I would feel an outsider! That was not the case at all. The design of the programme and the skills of the leaders allowed me to fully engage in the process of exploring and challenging myself. I had attended some Clean Language skills training before, but as a face-to-face programme, and discovered the power of using clean questions in many conversations. This training was online, delivered over a few weeks (which went by too quickly) and I remain amazed at how much I grew in my skills and enthusiasm for coaching using CL. So much so, that I am now describing myself as a coach and changing how I earn a living! The focus of this training is the development of skills via practice and feedback, just what I needed to develop my confidence and areas of development/training need. And…I have made new friends from across the world. I would recommend this training for anyone who wants to put their heart, as well as their head, into their coaching practice. I learnt so much about who I am as a coach and what I bring.

Sue Cradock

I want you to know how much I appreciate all the time and energy you put into the success of your Clean students. As someone who has taken a lot of workshops and trainings over the years, nothing compares to what you have created with Clean Learning and the way you carry on David Grove's legacy.

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Clean Feedback: 1/2-Day Workshop

Thursday 8 May 2025, 2pm to 5.30pm BST

Price: £75.00 (£90 inc VAT)

Community price: £50.00 (£60 inc VAT)
If, for any reason you need to pay the community price, please just go ahead and choose it here.

Book your place

All event bookings are subject to our terms of sale.

Venue details


Giving and receiving feedback is an essential skill whether in a personal, educational or professional context. And, to truly excel in any skill, it is essential to practise and refine your abilities. 

Clean Feedback is a way of giving someone (or yourself) feedback that is likely to be acted upon. This is because it separates out what actually happened (evidence) from what you are making up about that event (inference) and from the impact it is having. It has the following elements:

  • What worked well for you?
  • What didn't work so well for you?
  • What would work better for you

Getting curious about evidence, inference and impact can: 

  • Help in understanding where other people are coming from and making sense of their behaviour.
  • Respect diversity in thinking and working styles and prevents miscommunication and wasted effort.
  • Avoid offence and misunderstanding that can be caused by feedback that is littered with unfounded opinions.
  • Help de-personalise criticism, by referring to the behaviour rather than the person.

The Clean Feedback model is simple, effective and adaptable for different situations. It enables equal amounts of positive and developmental information and brings the giver into the frame. Feedback says as much about the patterns of the giver as the patterns of the receiver. 

Our half-day online workshop is designed to give you the opportunity to learn or deepen your knowledge of the Clean Feedback model and to develop your skills in discerning evidence from inference from impact as well as experiencing giving and receiving Clean Feedback live in the workshop.

There will also be time for your questions and for different/further aspects of this model to emerge depending on the group's interests.

Your trainer(s)


Marian Way


Marian loves designing courses, leading them, writing, coaching and group facilitation. She is the author of Clean Approaches for Coaches and co-author of Insights in Space and So you want to be ... #DramaFree.


Online via Zoom

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Clean in Montana April 2025

Montana, USA

Thu, Apr 24, 2025 9:00 AM (MDT) - Sat, Apr 26, 2025 4:30 PM (MDT)

Price: $1,200 - $2,400

Book online

All event bookings are subject to our terms of sale.

Venue details


Would you like to get better at working with others?

If you want to build stronger teams by creating safety, belonging, and freedom, these three days of Clean Language training and practice are for you.

How to know you’re a fit for Clean in Montana

You lead, manage, or collaborate with others, you’re involved with strategy, or you facilitate, coach, or consult. You want the skills to uncover, work with, and change the complex, unseen narratives that govern how we communicate. You’ll learn to:

  • Build trusting, resilient teams
  • Hold people accountable in a respectful way
  • Encourage creation and testing of new ideas
  • Create a culture where it’s safe to make mistakes
  • Be open to others’ intentions
  • Have productive conversations with people with whom you disagree

What to expect

Too often, workshops are all presentations, no practice. Not here. The work you do in Bozeman will give you small, easy-to-implement tools to improve understanding and reduce miscommunication. Caitlin will teach you to help groups be deliberate about their growth and collaboration. You’ll leave with frameworks, experience, and a community of practice. 


Day 1: Learn the basics of “Clean Language.” It takes a split second for things to go wrong. On day one, you will learn to use that moment to change the trajectory. You’ll also explore what you're like at your best and worst, and practice asking clean, clarifying questions that reveal why group interactions go astray.

Day 2: Explore creativity with Clean Language frameworks. You don’t need to wing it. On day two, we’ll explore Clean Language frameworks to help you align a team on shared outcomes. 

Day 3: Move from contempt to curiosity to collaboration. On day three, you’ll have the opportunity to facilitate groups and unpack potential conflict, live, with support from practiced clean facilitators. This will illuminate the invisible architecture that can cause clashes and practice these new tools and frameworks.

Your trainer(s)


Caitlin Walker PhD


Caitlin is the developer of Systemic Modelling and author of From Contempt to Curiosity. She is equally at home sharing her ideas with large audiences, facilitating change in small groups and doing deep one-to-one therapy.


Story Mansion
811 S. Wilson Avenue
Bozeman, Montana
United States

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Clean for Teams

Thursday 24 and Friday 25 April 2025, 9.30am to 4.30pm BST each day

Price: £600.00 (£720 inc VAT)

Community price: £410.00 (£492 inc VAT)
If, for any reason you need to pay the community price, please just go ahead and choose it here.

Book your place

All event bookings are subject to our terms of sale.

Venue details


Clean for Teams is an entry-level workshop / webinar series for those wishing to experience Systemic Modelling - a new way of team coaching where people learn about one another in groups, enabling them to move away from contempt and competition and towards curiosity and collaboration. 

Our facilitators will treat you as though you are a ‘real’ team, encouraging you to notice patterns in yourself and others and to collaborate so that each of you is learning at your best within a diverse group. In this way, you’ll be a recipient of Systemic Modelling (rather than a facilitator) and you will gain a direct experience of the benefits and challenges of being facilitated cleanly.

You may, of course, ask any questions about what the facilitators are doing and you can expect to take away ideas for putting what you’re learning into practice with your own groups or teams.

Systemic Modelling is the brainchild of Caitlin Walker, author of From Contempt to Curiosity. When a few clean questions led her to a greater understanding of herself and a dramatic shift in her life, she decided to adapt the one-to-one therapeutic method developed by David Grove to create a robust methodology that would work for groups and organisations.

Now you can experience the power of these questions – and Caitlin’s group methodology – for yourself in this fabulous, fascinating and fast-moving 2-day workshop or via 4 x 4-hour interactive Zoom sessions.

Clean Language was devised by clinical psychologist David Grove to enable people to explore their own and others’ perceptions. Rather than assume we know what someone means when they use a particular word, gesture or intonation, we can use clean questions to enquire into their experience. In a therapeutic context, David used clean questions to help people to get in touch with their unconscious metaphors and ingrained patterns underpinning their everyday experiences - and to be able to change these at a deep level.

Caitlin recognised that the information that emerges when people are asked clean questions will often be new – not just to the listener, but to the person who’s experience it is. In a group situation, everyone gets to know that information. This in turn can help people to:

  • Be more curious, deeply listen to one another, and work together in a respectful way
  • Learn about one another’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Sort out disagreements or conflicts by increasing their understanding of different perspectives
  • Clarify their thinking
  • Reveal assumptions so that conversations are held at a level everyone can understand
  • Discover hidden values
  • Build shared models of understanding

Your trainer(s)


Marian Way


Marian loves designing courses, leading them, writing, coaching and group facilitation. She is the author of Clean Approaches for Coaches and co-author of Insights in Space and So you want to be ... #DramaFree.


Cams Hall
United Kingdom
PO16 8AB


I have just completed 'Clean for Teams' and have been inspired and astounded by the power of this process. If you are a manager or leader of a group or team you will not fail to gain clarity, understanding and appreciation of this process. I felt inspired and in awe of the trainers in the way they delivered and merged the learning involved so that as participants we all learnt in the way that felt best for us individually whilst developing our understanding of the group process. Highly recommended to anyone who works with teams or aspires to in the future.

Lisa Sturge, Coach

Excellent blend of theory and practice with some useful models and techniques - and a great bunch of delegates to work with. I got lots of really practical advice from Caitlin.

Sally Bean

I just want to dive further after this enjoyable and instructive starter. I will definitely continue onto the Systemic Modelling Rolling Programme.

Ratha Ros
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Systemic Modelling Rolling Programme

Monday 7 to Wednesday 9 April 2025, 9am to 5pm BST each day

Price: £600.00 (£720 inc VAT)

Book your place

All event bookings are subject to our terms of sale.

Venue details

Buy eight Rolling Programme modules and save £1600

Buy four Rolling Programme modules and save £400


Once you have experienced Systemic Modelling as a participant (on our Clean For Teams workshop, on or Clean Agile Systems Coaching or equivalent), you can join in with the Systemic Modelling rolling programme. This will give you a complete framework and an abundant toolbox for encouraging teams to move from contempt towards curiosity and collaboration. And we use the process to teach the process so you will be experiencing multi-level and collaborative learning at its best.

Regular in-depth and intensive training will enable you to develop competency in applying the principles that underpin Systemic Modelling. You will learn how to use clean questions and metaphor models to support a group to better understand one another and to develop the skills and capability they need to collaborate meaningfully.

You may join in one module at a time, or commit to attending four or eight modules (with a price reduction). Joining in on a long-term basis will enable you to explore the process more deeply, including the philosophy behind it and the skills required to deliver it well. There’ll be skill-building exercises to stretch your attention and to develop your confidence and in-the-moment coaching to ensure you’re competent in the process. You’ll be delivering group processes live to fellow participants and you’ll be offering and receiving feedback from trainers and peers. Between modules, you’ll be expected to find groups of your own to practice with. This programme is fun, full-on and focused.

The models and skills that make up Systemic Modelling include: clean questions; developing personal metaphors; group modelling; becoming #DramaFree; pattern detection; tracking patterns in the group dynamic; developing your personal modelling state. There’ll also be plenty of opportunity for discussion about applications and how you’ll put your learning into action.

There is a continuous assessment process, with a number of assignments that will require you to collect and act on feedback from the trainer, your fellow participants and any other recipients of your skills. You can start this process whenever you wish and when we are confident in your ability to develop a network of attention within a group you will gain your Systemic Modelling Foundation Certificate. And once you are also able to deliver all the models consistently and effectively you will be awarded your Systemic Modelling Professional Certificate.

Your trainer(s)


Caitlin Walker PhD


Caitlin is the developer of Systemic Modelling and author of From Contempt to Curiosity. She is equally at home sharing her ideas with large audiences, facilitating change in small groups and doing deep one-to-one therapy.


The Practice
58 Caldy Road
West Kirby, Wirral
United Kingdom
CH48 2HN

The Practice is Caitlin and Shaun’s family home and is situated on the stunning Dee estuary, with views across to North Wales. When you’re not involved with learning you can enjoy a walk along the beach or in the nearby parkland. There are plenty of reasonably-priced B&Bs nearby and West Kirby boasts many lovely pubs and restaurants.


The following places are all within a short walk or drive of the venue. You will need to contact them directly to book accommodation.

Caldy Warren, Caldy - Just along the road from venue

China Plate Farm, West Kirby - 2 miles from venue

Mere Brook House, Thornton Hough - 8.6 miles from venue

Hoylake Holiday Inn    0151 632 2073 

Number 15, Hoylake  -  (0)7989 743389

Hillbark Hotel & Spa, Frankby 

It’s also worth checking out airbnb.co.uk.



The nearest train station is West Kirby. Liverpool Lime Street is a 25 minute taxi journey away (Satellite Cars - 0151 201 0001)


This training was pure excellence in every respect. The authority and power of Caitlin's skill base, complemented by the range of experienced mentors in our midst was a superb context for the highest quality teaching. The balance of concept coverage and experiential learning was skilfully gauged, the connections created between delegates and trainers, the insightful guidance and warm challenges offered along the way, all conspired to enable learning, at its very best, for all. 'Clean' by its nature creates this, enabling listening at the highest level to create common vision and harness awareness, but the quality of delivery, the privilege of experiencing all of this through and with Caitlin and her team, in her home, with such honouring hospitality, resulted in a learning experience second to none. This training creates deep, unforgettable change and I, my workplace and my home will be the better for it. Thank you.

Amanda Maney, Alignment Coach

I’m a reasonably experienced business coach with some high profile clients, and with the tools I had at my disposal prior to Clean I was successful and my clients got good results. However, I’ve started using Clean very quickly after the programme and it’s taken my coaching and results onto another level.

Michael O' Flaherty

This course has given me fabulous strategies and the confidence to help teams be more effective. Systemic Modelling enables teams to get to the real issues of why they aren't working as well and to create their own solutions. A must for facilitators, coaches and trainers working with teams.

Denise Chilton, Coach
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Advanced Fine Tuning

Friday 4, Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 April 2025, Day 1 10am to 5.30pm, Day 2 9am to 5.30pm and Day 3 9am to 4.30pm

Price: £600.00 (£720 inc VAT)

Book your place

All event bookings are subject to our terms of sale.

Venue details

Buy four Rolling Programme modules and save £400

Buy eight Rolling Programme modules and save £1600

  • Friday 4th April, 10am to 5.30pm
  • Saturday 5th April, 9am to 5.30pm
  • Sunday 6th April, 9am to 4.30pm


To truly excel in any skill, it is essential to practise and receive feedback from an experienced practitioner who can help you refine your abilities. And these 3-day in-person or 6 x half-day online modules offer an opportunity for you to gain valuable practice and receive targeted instruction in Clean Language and Symbolic Modelling from James Lawley and Marian Way. The focus will be on understanding the nuanced aspects that arise during a session so you can improve your facilitation skills.

The majority of our time will be dedicated to individual Symbolic Modelling sessions, with one participant acting as the facilitator while another assumes the client role, and with the rest of the group observing. As the session progresses, the trainer may intervene to offer you coaching in the moment, or you may receive feedback after the session. The trainers also will devise different activities, including bringing in inexperienced clients for you to work with.

Although the format will remain largely consistent, the content of each half-day session will vary depending on what’s happening within the Symbolic Modelling sessions and on the interests of the group; throughout James and Marian will offer tailored instruction based on the group’s needs. Maximum group size is 12 to ensure there is plenty of time for individual attention.

To join a group, you will need to be at or close to Clean Facilitator Level 1. If you’re not sure whether this will be a good fit with your skills, please book a chat with Marian or send her an email.

The criteria for Clean Facilitator level 1 are shown in this document:

Criteria_for_CF_level_1-1.pdf (pdf 168KB)

Your trainer(s)


James Lawley

James Lawley studied with David Grove for 12 years and is the co-developer of Symbolic Modelling, and co-author of Metaphors in Mind. He teaches Symbolic Modelling to therapists, counsellors, coaches, managers and teachers throughout the world.


Marian Way


Marian loves designing courses, leading them, writing, coaching and group facilitation. She is the author of Clean Approaches for Coaches and co-author of Insights in Space and So you want to be ... #DramaFree.


14 Anson Grove
United Kingdom
PO16 8JG

Join Marian and John at their home in Hampshire UK for a friendly relaxed training in a light airy room with fabulous views, plus delicious home-made lunches.

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Advanced Fine Tuning

Friday 4, Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 April 2025, Day 1 10am to 5.30pm, Day 2 9am to 5.30pm and Day 3 9am to 4.30pm

Price: £600.00 (£720 inc VAT)

This event has sold out

All event bookings are subject to our terms of sale.

Venue details

Buy four Rolling Programme modules and save £400

Buy eight Rolling Programme modules and save £1600

  • Friday 4th April, 10am to 5.30pm
  • Saturday 5th April, 9am to 5.30pm
  • Sunday 6th April, 9am to 4.30pm


To truly excel in any skill, it is essential to practise and receive feedback from an experienced practitioner who can help you refine your abilities. And these 3-day in-person or 6 x half-day online modules offer an opportunity for you to gain valuable practice and receive targeted instruction in Clean Language and Symbolic Modelling from James Lawley and Marian Way. The focus will be on understanding the nuanced aspects that arise during a session so you can improve your facilitation skills.

The majority of our time will be dedicated to individual Symbolic Modelling sessions, with one participant acting as the facilitator while another assumes the client role, and with the rest of the group observing. As the session progresses, the trainer may intervene to offer you coaching in the moment, or you may receive feedback after the session. The trainers also will devise different activities, including bringing in inexperienced clients for you to work with.

Although the format will remain largely consistent, the content of each half-day session will vary depending on what’s happening within the Symbolic Modelling sessions and on the interests of the group; throughout James and Marian will offer tailored instruction based on the group’s needs. Maximum group size is 12 to ensure there is plenty of time for individual attention.

To join a group, you will need to be at or close to Clean Facilitator Level 1. If you’re not sure whether this will be a good fit with your skills, please book a chat with Marian or send her an email.

The criteria for Clean Facilitator level 1 are shown in this document:

Criteria_for_CF_level_1-1.pdf (pdf 168KB)

Your trainer(s)


James Lawley

James Lawley studied with David Grove for 12 years and is the co-developer of Symbolic Modelling, and co-author of Metaphors in Mind. He teaches Symbolic Modelling to therapists, counsellors, coaches, managers and teachers throughout the world.


Marian Way


Marian loves designing courses, leading them, writing, coaching and group facilitation. She is the author of Clean Approaches for Coaches and co-author of Insights in Space and So you want to be ... #DramaFree.


14 Anson Grove
United Kingdom
PO16 8JG

Join Marian and John at their home in Hampshire UK for a friendly relaxed training in a light airy room with fabulous views, plus delicious home-made lunches.

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The Art of Clean Set Up

Tuesday 1 April 2025, 2pm to 6pm BST

Price: £75.00 (£90 inc VAT)

Community price: £50.00 (£60 inc VAT)
If, for any reason you need to pay the community price, please just go ahead and choose it here.

Book your place

All event bookings are subject to our terms of sale.

Venue details


The Clean Set Up was devised by Caitlin Walker and Dee Berridge for their own use when they were training together and would often have different expectations of an event, which in turn led to misunderstandings and conflict. They realised if the shared their expectations before the event got going and kept these in mind throughout, a lot of the misunderstandings and conflicts could be averted.

It soon became apparent that this tool could have widespread application. It can be used at the start of anything from a training or coaching session to a business meeting or a new project. You can use it with your family to set up for a great holiday, a great Christmas or a great house move. Or ask yourself the questions to set up for the day ahead, a job interview or a medical appointment. Clean Set Up can also be used as the foundation of a whole coaching session. Whatever you are up to, you and everyone else involved can benefit from the kind of planning and forethought that doing a Clean Set Up encourages.

It consists of three basic questions:

  • For this _ to go just the way you’d like, it will be like what?
  • For it to go like that, you’d like to be like what?
  • What support or resources do you need?

Someone’s response to any of these questions can be further expanded with clean questions such as:

  • What kind of … ?
  • Is there anything else about … ?
  • Where / whereabouts is … ?
  • Does … have a size or a shape?
  • Then what happens?
  • And so on (see longer list of clean questions here)

In this workshop you will have a chance to explore this approach in depth, to understand all the nuances it raises and how you can adapt it to fit your own context. As well as utilising Clean Set Up to establish shared outcomes for the workshop itself, you will also have the opportunity to practice facilitating with this tool and to set up for an event in your own life, taking time to think through how you’d like it to be, how you’d like to be and what support or resources you need for it to go just the way you’d like.

During the workshop, we will also talk about / demonstrate how Clean Set Up can be used as a negotiation tool and as a way to prevent drama.

Come and join us to learn this simple tool that has a multitude of practical uses. 

Your trainer(s)


Marian Way


Marian loves designing courses, leading them, writing, coaching and group facilitation. She is the author of Clean Approaches for Coaches and co-author of Insights in Space and So you want to be ... #DramaFree.


Online via Zoom

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Clean Language Practice Group

Monday 17 March 2025, 7pm to 9pm GMT

Price: £10.00 (£12 inc VAT)

Book your place

All event bookings are subject to our terms of sale.

Venue details

Buy a year's membership of the group for £70 (plus VAT)


The Clean Language Practice Group (formerly the Hampshire Practice Group) is designed to help you build your Clean Language skills in a fun and friendly environment. Marian Way runs the group and welcomes practice session topics from group members. She sends an invitation to each event between 7-14 days beforehand which includes details of the topic and what will happen. Sign up to receive these here.

The sessions last for 2 hours and newcomers are welcome.

Who is it for?

  • Anyone who has done some training in Clean Language - even if only a few days or a few hours
  • Anyone who is curious about clean approaches and wants to discover more

What will I gain?

  • Build your skills in Clean Language, Symbolic Modelling, Systemic Modelling, Clean Interviewing, Clean Space and Emergent Knowledge
  • Try out and refine new ideas and activities
  • Meet like-minded people to practise with
  • Expect a friendly, open and honest environment.

Your trainer(s)


Marian Way


Marian loves designing courses, leading them, writing, coaching and group facilitation. She is the author of Clean Approaches for Coaches and co-author of Insights in Space and So you want to be ... #DramaFree.


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Inner Child Workshop

Wednesday 12 March, 10am to Saturday 15 March, 12:30pm, GMT

Price: £600.00 (£720 inc VAT)

Book your place

All event bookings are subject to our terms of sale.

Venue details

There are 4 client places and 9 observer places available for this workshop.

Timings each day:

Day 1

  • 1pm to 3:30pm
  • 4pm to 6:30pm

Days 2 & 3

  • 10am to 12:30pm
  • 1pm to 3:30pm
  • 4pm to 6:30pm

Day 4

  • 10am to 12:30pm

All times are GMT

There will also be a 1-hour set up for all participants on Wednesday 5 March 2-3pm GMT.


One of the original reasons David Grove and Cei Davies Linn developed Clean Language was to work with someone’s inner child in a way that was respectful and which also made sense to that part of a person’s psyche.

You can attend this workshop primarily as a client – i.e. your main reason for attending is to experience the therapy process for yourself. Or you can join in primarily as someone who wants how to learn how to do this work and who is happy to observe us working with others. 

Everyone will do an initial session and then we will work more deeply and demonstrate the whole process with those who have opted to be clients. There will be many opportunities for questions and answers as we go along. For online workshops there will be a 1-hour ‘set up’ webinar for everyone a week before the workshop starts.

This is an opportunity to learn about:

  • The clues to the presence of an inner child
  • How to change your speed and tonality when asking questions of an inner child
  • How to keep track of time and sequence
  • Identifying ‘T-1’ and pristine nouns
  • Discovering and developing redemptive metaphors
  • Integrating healing
  • Creating ecology checks

NB The inner child process is ‘deep’ and a 2 or 3-day workshop will not equip you to run it safely unless you already have a strong foundation in Symbolic Modelling (Clean Facilitator Level 1) or are a qualified coach or therapist. You must have supervision in place and make a robust contract with your client.

Your trainer(s)


Caitlin Walker PhD


Caitlin is the developer of Systemic Modelling and author of From Contempt to Curiosity. She is equally at home sharing her ideas with large audiences, facilitating change in small groups and doing deep one-to-one therapy.


Marian Way


Marian loves designing courses, leading them, writing, coaching and group facilitation. She is the author of Clean Approaches for Coaches and co-author of Insights in Space and So you want to be ... #DramaFree.


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1-Day Introduction to Clean Language

Thursday 6 March, 9am to 4.30pm GMT

Price: £200.00 (£240 inc VAT)

Book your place

All event bookings are subject to our terms of sale.

Venue details


Our 1-day Introduction to Clean Language is designed to give you a ‘taster’ of what it’s possible to achieve with this powerful methodology, along with the basic skills you need to get started. The day will be based around powerful Clean Language tools that are easy to learn and which you can put into practice immediately:

  • Clean Set Up: get off to a good start and avoid hidden agendas
  • Clean Language questions: find out how to keep your assumptions to yourself and ask questions that accept and extend what someone has said
  • Developing a resource metaphor: gain awareness of your own resources and learn how to help others do the same
  • One Minute Motivation: learn a simple coaching model you can use in all kinds of contexts
  • Clean Space: find out about the role of space in our inner worlds and take part in a simple activity to change your perspective on a topic of your choice

There will also be time during the day for your questions and for different / further aspects of this dynamic, compelling methodology to emerge, depending on the group's interests.

Your trainer(s)


Marian Way


Marian loves designing courses, leading them, writing, coaching and group facilitation. She is the author of Clean Approaches for Coaches and co-author of Insights in Space and So you want to be ... #DramaFree.


Doris Leibold

Doris has trained in Clean Language, Symbolic and Systemic Modelling. She is passionate about sharing tools and strategies that enable people to stay empowered in difficult of situations and make decisions that are in line with their values.


Online via Zoom


I loved the relaxed atmosphere and clear guidance. I was pleasantly surprised how much learning I gained from a few hours!

Course Participant

I hugely enjoyed the course; it was nourishing. I always know when I have had a valuable experience because there’s that sense of it as having been absorbed. I carry it round with me now.

Mark Wilson, Coach

Go do it! Well worth a day to find out more about how the language we use affects how we put across our agenda!

Pam Medhurst
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1-Hour Clean Language Taster

Wednesday 5 March 2025, 6.30pm to 7.30pm GMT

Price: £15.00 (£18 inc VAT)

Book your place

All event bookings are subject to our terms of sale.

Venue details


Our 1-Hour Clean Language Tasters are designed to give you an experience of Clean Language during a friendly online session. We start by asking everyone present what they want to get out of the session and then we do our best to make sure that you get what you want - whether that’s learning about Clean Language, witnessing a demonstration or finding out more about us or our products and services.

In this way, we demonstrate our clean approach at work: the session is about you and what you want, rather than about us and what we imagine you want to know. It also means each session is different and so you can join us two or three times, learning something different each time. We want to answer your questions and give you an opportunity to get to know us.

Who is it for?

This webinar is for you if you:

  • Are new to Clean Language and would like to know more
  • Have questions about Clean Language or related topics
  • Like to know about new cutting-edge coaching tools
  • Want to witness - or take part in - a Clean Language session

What will I gain?

Each webinar is different, and the content will be dependent on who takes part. Typically we cover:

  • What Clean Language is and how it originated
  • The most useful Clean Language questions
  • How to use Clean Language to develop metaphors, and so unlock the power of the unconscious mind
  • A demonstration of Clean Language in a coaching or interviewing context
  • An opportunity to get all your questions answered

Your trainer(s)


Doris Leibold

Doris has trained in Clean Language, Symbolic and Systemic Modelling. She is passionate about sharing tools and strategies that enable people to stay empowered in difficult of situations and make decisions that are in line with their values.


Online via Zoom


Thank you for this deep-going webinar. I benefitted in two ways: Professionally, I got a very good impression of Clean Language and how to determine when this method will be the right one for my clients. And I very much like the philosophy of David Grove. Personally, I had a deep insight what it needs to feel comfortable and have fun speaking English. And even while talking with you I felt an inner and symptomatic change. Wow. I was also very impressed by your attitude and clarity. Thank you. I'm now into Clean Language and I want to learn and experience more.

Frances Loumer
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Embodied Wisdom Clean Retreat

Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 February 2025, 9am to 5pm EST

Price: Please choose the price that best suits your circumstances: $1000 for those on a very comfortable wage, $500 for those who have less disposable income and $100 for those who are on a tight budget.

Book online

All event bookings are subject to our terms of sale.

Venue details


Over 2 days we’ll be using Clean Questions in a small group format to explore the profound impact of holding space while minimally introducing inferences, biases, or judgments. While working with the wisdom of your body system, we will examine how personal assumptions can subtly shape therapeutic interactions. Through fewer words and intentional relational work between somatic, metaphoric, and cognitive systems, you will develop greater awareness of how your internal processes influence your facilitation choices.

Whether you are an interested beginner, an experienced Clean Facilitator, or a therapist, coach, or physician, this workshop offers a unique opportunity to refine your practice. You will have the chance to take the client role in live sessions, which will include pauses for discussion and reflection. These reflective moments provide space to identify and understand the subtle ways that facilitators’ language and non-verbal cues can either support or hinder client growth.

Your trainer(s)


Caitlin Walker PhD


Caitlin is the developer of Systemic Modelling and author of From Contempt to Curiosity. She is equally at home sharing her ideas with large audiences, facilitating change in small groups and doing deep one-to-one therapy.


Sarah Baca

Sarah is a coach, therapist, facilitator, and teacher who has a passion for using Clean Language to help others discover what makes them feel vibrantly alive. She has been working with organizations as an agile coach for over a decade, specializing in enterprise and leadership coaching.


HD Counseling, Florida
Wymore Road
Winter Park
United States

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Clean Language Practice Group

Monday 17 February 2025, 7pm to 9pm GMT

Price: £10.00 (£12 inc VAT)

Book your place

All event bookings are subject to our terms of sale.

Venue details

Buy a year's membership of the group for £70 (plus VAT)


The Clean Language Practice Group (formerly the Hampshire Practice Group) is designed to help you build your Clean Language skills in a fun and friendly environment. Marian Way runs the group and welcomes practice session topics from group members. She sends an invitation to each event between 7-14 days beforehand which includes details of the topic and what will happen. Sign up to receive these here.

The sessions last for 2 hours and newcomers are welcome.

Who is it for?

  • Anyone who has done some training in Clean Language - even if only a few days or a few hours
  • Anyone who is curious about clean approaches and wants to discover more

What will I gain?

  • Build your skills in Clean Language, Symbolic Modelling, Systemic Modelling, Clean Interviewing, Clean Space and Emergent Knowledge
  • Try out and refine new ideas and activities
  • Meet like-minded people to practise with
  • Expect a friendly, open and honest environment.

Your trainer(s)


Marian Way


Marian loves designing courses, leading them, writing, coaching and group facilitation. She is the author of Clean Approaches for Coaches and co-author of Insights in Space and So you want to be ... #DramaFree.


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Inside Story: Clean Scoping

The main part of this course is now complete, and available to watch on video. There will be one more live session, Thursday 28 March 2024.

Price: £100.00 (£120 inc VAT)

Community price: £60.00 (£72 inc VAT)
If, for any reason you need to pay the community price, please just go ahead and choose it here.

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All event bookings are subject to our terms of sale.

Venue details

This Inside Story is a masterclass on Clean Scoping, following along before and after the main scoping meeting with a new potential client. 

Clean Scoping is the exploration which happens before a contract with a client.  For a contract which does go ahead, the subsequent learning will build upon the conversations already begun in this phase - so it's a kind of foundation for later success.

This potential client is a corporate team with changes coming up. So aside from the scoping theme, it'll be especially of interest to people using Systemic Modelling for organisational development. As ever, confidentiality is essential.


Session dates and topics:

The main part of this course is now complete - and we've turned it into a video course for people to do in their own time.

What's online includes about 4½ hours of video from the three Inside Story sessions with Caitlin, plus some written material to read.  All of this can be gone through in your own time, on the group's locked/private online space on the Clean Campus.


Confidentiality statement:

  • This is an Inside Story, access to a live piece of work as it unfolds. 
  • Anyone who books onto this course is agreeing to strict confidentiality about the client, and to not sharing other people’s private thoughts and ideas which may come up during the process. 
  • You will need to sign a non-disclosure agreement before being given access to the course materials. 

Your trainer(s)


Caitlin Walker PhD


Caitlin is the developer of Systemic Modelling and author of From Contempt to Curiosity. She is equally at home sharing her ideas with large audiences, facilitating change in small groups and doing deep one-to-one therapy.


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